
Can you get pregnant .....?

by Guest33411  |  earlier

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Can you get pregnant the day after your period ends? My husband did in fact ejaculate inside of me ... will this result in pregnancy?




  1. You can only get pregnant when you're ovulating & a few days leading up to it (sperm can stay in you for up to 5 days at most).

    1.) How long is your cycle typically?

    2.) How long was your period?

    Not everyone ovulates on day 14. That's an average. It's very possible to ovulate early or late (usually just by a day or two though). The only way to be 100% sure is to take an OPK. But let's assume you have a 28 day cycle and your period is 4 days long. The day after your period is 5 days into your cycle. Chances would be pretty slim. Not impossible though.

    Are you trying to get pregnant or not to get pregnant? I feel bad for your husband if he always has to "pull out" right when he's about to enjoy it most. My husband would never go for that. Have him wear spermicidal condoms or something if you're trying to prevent.

  2. Most likely not, unless you ovulate a few days after your period ends.

  3. Yes, it is possible.  You probably won't be, but there is still a chance.

  4. Yes. In fact I am 6 weeks pregnant and that is exactly when it happened to me.

  5. Women are most fertile 14 days after  the beginning of their period. You should be familiar with your ovulation cycle by now.  But the only best way to tell is if you miss your next period.  don't dwell on it though, it can really stress your body out  

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