
Can you get pregnant right after a miscarraige

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i had an early miscarraige june 25th. i had s*x july 18th. i've been having some cramping for about a week but no period. on the 28th and 29th i had some very very light spotting. just a small amount of brown discharge that never even reached my underwear. i only noticed it when i wiped. i thought my period was about to start but it didn't come and i haven't had any spotting since. could it have been implantation bleeding? i'm still feeling crampy so i don't want to get my hopes up. could i have gotten pregnant that soon after a miscarraige?




  1. just depends on your body ..

    go to a clinic and get checked out and tell the doc everything you have been experienceing ..

    .. .



  2. yes it would be very easy to get preg after mc

  3. i dont want to get your hopes up but i got pregnant straight away after my miscarraige im now 32 weeks good luck and i hope it works out for u  

  4. Yes you can be prego after a miscariage you are actually more fertile....and that sounds like implantation bleeding so good luck 2 you and baby dust also do you know if have any hcg from the last pregnancy still in you or is it at zero? If its at zero take a test or go to the docs to take a blood test....I WISH YOU ALL THE LUCK!!!! BABY DUST!!!

  5. Yes U can...Good Luck and baby dust !!!

  6. i think

  7. You definitely can get pregnant after a miscarriage, but if you are cramping you need to see a doctor.  Make an appointment or if your doctor takes walk ins go as soon as possible because diagnosing yourself can have devastating resullts.

  8. I have miscarried twice. and both times I conceived with in 6 weeks of  miscarrying!  Carried my son after my 1st miscarriage to full term and my after my 2nd miscarriage I am now 17 weeks pregnant with my 3rd child! So yes it can happen!  Good baby thoughts to you!


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