
Can you get pregnant this way?

by  |  earlier

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there was no penetration. i guess it was dry humping?

--i had just panties on, he had his boxers and basketball shorts on. Not the cotton kind of shorts, but like...polyester I think? The material of real basketball uniforms.

Sometimes we see wet spots on his shorts (from you-know-what)--if he's wearing khakis or something, but usually not on basketball shorts because of the type of material. But it's never alot at all if there are spots. they're just small ones, and they arent' really really wet

So...any opinions? I can't get pregnant that way? Does sperm go through clothing like that?

and he didn't even...finish if there were spots, they wouldn't have been big or very wet at all. no worries for me, right?




  1. i think it would be extremely RARE for anyone to get pregnant that way. probably not, but i'd check with a professional... like a doctor or call planned parenthood. they can give you 100% correct answers.

  2. You could deffinately get pregnant that way, and im a doctor

  3. It's very rare, but it is possible. Sperm can travel through clothing, especially if you can actually see his pants getting wet. The wetness means there's s***n, which contains sperm, on his shorts. So if that gets onto your panties it can go through and enter your v****a. Any time a p***s is anywhere near a v****a there's a chance of pregnancy. If you're going to be dry humping it's probably best that he doesn't finish and keep going. He should clean up and get rid of as much s***n as possible. Afterwards he can still stimulate you if you both want to. Hope I could help!

  4. It's rare but possible.

  5. it would be hard to get through clothing but remember it only takes one sperm to get pregnant maybe you both should be thinking  of contraception before temptation takes over remember pregnancy is a lifetime responsibility and you don't have to penetrate to become pregnant either if its on hands etc please be careful

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