
Can you get pregnant within 24 hours of when the s*x took place?

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I had s*x with my bf yesterday and we didn't exactly use a condom the whole time.

My body is feeling kind of weird right now. It's been about 30 hours sense we had s*x and my body feels like its getting period cramps. The thing is though, I'm not due for my period until at least September 13th. I get cramps within 5 days of my period.

Should I be worried or am I just digesting food or something? o_O




  1. You shouldnt be worried. if you were pregnant then you wouldnt know because it takes like 48 hours for the conception to happen and even then you wouldnt know that your pregnant or have ne symptoms yet so nothing to worrie about

  2. Hey babe, Just wanted to say its really weird cause im also due for my periods September the 13 !!! & i also had s*x last night & ive been getting period like cramps-ache today aswell lolz!

  3. I guess I am 30 hours and 1 minute too late with this advice....but, If you don't want to get pregnant use birth control properly! Why use a condom at all if you aren't going to use it the whole time? It doesn't make sense and is irresponsible. I apologize for the lecture (I'm sure that's not what you wanted). However, your actions are serious and potentially have serious consequenses....If you are pregnant and don't want the baby, please consider adoption. It isn't the baby's fault you chose to use the condom as a part-time accessory.  

  4. I don't think so in myself, but have had friends say they knew straight away, get morning after pill if not want you planned is apparently now available over counter. not 100% on that though!

  5. Yes

  6. conception can happen after a few days to a week.

    unlikely to happen in 30hours.

    it's more likely that you are thinking about it, and are giving yourself cramps from thinking too much

    or from being athletic in the bedroom (i've had that happen a few times)

    or from digestion


    Iwait till the 18th September to do a test, otherwise you're just wasting your money because the pregnancy hormone won't be strong enough to show up on the test.

  7. No! Implantation happens between 7-10 days. There is no way you would feel symptoms after 30 hours.  

  8. Probably just digesting food. You probably (I use the word probably here) wouldn't notice that you are pregnant for a few weeks.  

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