
Can you get "cat scratch" fever from any ol' cat?

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LIke if you play around w/them all the time, then they get carried away and scratch the h*ll outta you?


CURIOUS~and is it curable w/antibiotics?

[nope I don't have it]

Just as curious as my cat, that's all.




  1. Most of the time u dont get it if they have theyr shots

  2. Yes, you can.  Antibiotics should clear it up.  The two cases I've known about were both prescribed Cipro for 10-14 days.

  3. there is NO SUCH DISEASE... it's wording in a song.

    And you can't catch cat diesease unless it is rabies.

  4. First off, I will tell you that there is no such disease that is named cat scratch fever, but that it is called this because of the way you get the bacteria into your blood stream. You can get catch scratch fever from any cat. It is caused by bacteria on the claws of a cat getting into the blood stream. These can various bacteria. I speak from experience that it is no fun. When I got it, I just stayed home, slept, and kept drinking water. I never went to the doctor and even if I had, they probably would have told me to take some motrin and get some rest. No, I do not think that they would prescribe antibiotics for that, and doctors are trying to cut down on the amount prescribed, because of the appearance of antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria (MRSA is the first that comes to mind). If you do get scratched, clean it out with peroxide or alcohol and put and antibiotic cream on it (neosporin) and of course, a band-aid. Hope I helped.

  5. Any cat can carry the bacteria.  Yes, it is treatable.

  6. Not only is there such a disease, but I have had it. My cat liked to mess with my hair and one day he dug into my scalp with his teeth. Within the week I had developed a oozing sore with a crusty covering. The glands in my neck were swollen. Went to the doctor and  he prescribed antibiotics for my cat scratch fever.  It took about 10 days to get well, but I have had no further problems. BTW I do not let my cat mess with my hair any more. One bout with cat scratch fever was enough.  Every once and a while I hear that song and I have to smile as I am the only person I know that has had it. It is pretty rare.

  7. yes and actualy the best cure is to dip it into laundy soap and water no joke thats what my doctor told my mom what to do and it cleared up amazingly!! isnt that like really wierd!!! lol well yes ther is such a disease lol i know it is  really wierd

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