
Can you get rid of spiders from your house?

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Ours is full of those pesky skinny ones that leave those webs that catch dust and make it look like you never clean (well I don't but that's beside the point) can you get rid of them?




  1. using a qualified pest controller will do the trick but usually its only for a limited amount of time and will need retreating annually,

    why not collect them an let them loose in the local gym club? watching the blokes run like girls is hilarious

  2. The spiders can be a nuisance but they will not do you any harm whatsoever and they will keep flies, bluebottles etc in check. Pesticides on the other hand.


  3. yes you can  

  4. Get your stairs treated for woodworm.

    Trust me on that one, we had it done and didnt have a single spider in the house for 10 years!!

    It's something they put into the woodworm treatment thing.

  5. If your talking about daddy long legs, i take them out one by one.

    Also, you should try to minimize dark spaces, therefore you should reduce clutter.

  6. oh my i hate spiders you can get those pest repellent plugs you plug it in and it sends out vibrations that pests hate we are moving to australia next year and i plan on taking 20 of those plug with me to keep the big hairy scary spiders at bay ha ha

    think you can get the plug on internet or those shopping channels

    I'm gonna sound really cruel now but if i have a spider in my house i spray it with hairspray so it cant move then scream and squash it with a newspaper (I'm gonna have animal cruelty fanatics at my door now)

    good luck with your creepy crawly x  

  7. according to the diy network, putting some eucalyptus in all your window sills makes them head for the doors because they can't stand the smell! also consult an exterminator, i call one to my work every year because i can't stand spiders.  

  8. omg ewwww i hate spiders uhhhh spray ant killer around those areas and that should work

  9. Spiders are harmless, but if if you really don't want them, you could also try putting conkers in the corners of your rooms, apparently they also don't like the smell of horse chestnut.  We did it for our son, and it appears to work.

  10. make sore there's no way in your house except doors and windows and then kill them all they may breed

  11. You can buy little "bug bombs" that come in a can, you set them off and leave the house for however long it says and it kills them. Dead spiders cant produce offspring so after a few times it should get rid of them. You can get it at like Walmart or anywhere like that for under $6.

  12. yes i just go round the house once a month and suck them all up the vacuum hose then empty the bag

  13. Call a local exterminator with a good reputation.  Your vacuum cleaner will be your best friend to eliminate both spider and their web.  Sounds like you may have a common "cellar spider" if you have those annoying fine webs.  Be careful, as black widows, if they are common in your area, are a dangerous and venomous variety of webbing spider.  The brown recluse is not a webbing spider, so you are safe there.  Spiders ARE dangerous if you don't have the knowledge on identifying them.  Some residual insecticides are useful, but make sure your doors and windows seal properly and that will minimize spider entry.  If you live in a crawl space home (one on pillars) then good luck.  The dark and drab crawl space area is a good breeding ground for spiders.  Your exterminator may be your best friend if you have arachniphobia.  

  14. Call the local pest control person and they will come and spray your house for you...that should fix the problem!

  15. Home Depot sells a great product.  I'm not sure of the name, but it's in a rather large clear container.  It comes with a long spray hose as well. It's inexpensive and works really well.

  16. No...and anyway they eat flies so dont kill them just keep dusting the webs.

  17. You can't.

  18. Buy some bob martins fleabombs (from the pet store or ebay) - they are insecticides , you set one off in each room and it will kill any insect (and spiders)in that room - you can use the room again after 2 1/2 hours

  19. You can only get rid of them as you see them, no way of stopping them coming in. Big house spiders come in when it gets damp in the Autumn. The ones that hang upside down in corners are called "daddy long legs" spiders. I get loads in my house as I don't like cleaning much either :)  Organic fly control is how I describe it. Much better than spraying stuff about the place :)  

    PS  catch them and let them go near someone elses house if you don't want them in yours.  

  20. Put the vacuum cleaner on, and suck into the corners of ceiling and floors, also take drawers out and turn upside down and hoover underneath, becos they get under there sometimes.Put your plugs in the bath and sink hole, bcos they come up there sometimes,  

  21. if only plz help me 2 on this, i found a spider the size of 2 quarters in my BED a couple of nights ago, but i have a rabbit in my room so i cant rly do nething cheap 2 get rid of them HELP!!!! thnx babe

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