
Can you get sent to juvenile detention for Ding dong ditch.?

by  |  earlier

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Yes, i was out w/ my frineds at about 3:45 at night, we were haveing some fun and went and ding'dong'ditched a house, Im 13, So far, i count "out after curfew""Trusspassing"As the only two charges i can think of.




  1. no but you might get shot

  2. no lol, and if you ever get caught just say you went to the wrong house and apologize and if a police officer caught you he would think you were trying to rob the house, so good luck explaining that its fun to ring a doorbell and run to a cop.

  3. No, but it would go under suspicious activity if you did it at 3:45 at night and is a very good way to get shot.  My friend one time ding ditched a house and he tripped on his way out and the person beat him up and stole all his money.

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