
Can you get severe post partum symptoms BEFORE you give birth?

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I am 27 weeks pregnant and I have been severely depressed throughout this whole pregnancy because of the father of the baby dumping me for refusing an abortion and so I'm depressed about having to go through this whole pregnancy alone,being heart broken by him because I'm totally in love with him,knowing how hard its going to be to take care of this baby by myself(because it's not my first baby),plus I'm trying to raise the girls I already have and going through an ugly custody battle of my now youngest child....and many more things...soooooo if that explains some why I might be so depressed.....but, recently I started feeling really bad I could kill's crazy,i know....

I dont think I actually would or anything but it bothers me that those thoughts would even enter into my mind at all....I've seen things like this on talk shows and thought the women were messed up/crazy.....and now here I am feeling them!!!!

But,I havent even had the baby yet....




  1. Post partum meanings "after child delivery". What your having now is a plain depression considering your situation and what you need indeed is some supports from your community/friends and family to ease up your bordens atleast.

  2. no

  3. I understand. It's extremely hard to go through a pregnancy alone, not being able to share what should be happy moments with the other person (like hearing the heartbeat for the first time). You made an awesome decision though to give that baby life, and should be very proud of that! I have 4 all 8 or younger, and the last 3 were totally alone. My youngest just turned 2 and the road wasn't easy, but I made the decision to not abort them and deal with the lonely part because I knew it was right. I actually hated my second before he was born because I didn't think I could deal with a boy (just had left an abusive husband). To get through days now, I look at them and am proud of the fact that I've been strong enough to do this on my own, and my children are awesome. You are strong enough to do this, with or without a man. None of the custody battle, temper tantrum stages, or diapers will last forever. Being in love with him sucks and is going to hurt for awhile, but think about what kind of a person he's showing he really is. As far as the depression goes, tell your doctor that you're dealing with alot personally right now and maybe they can recommend something to at least take the edge off. Hang in there, you can do this!

  4. Your hormones are just out of wack is all. you don't need anyone but yourself and those kids. Its important to keep a positive frame of mind for the health of your unborn child, they DO pick up on all of your emotions, a happy you will = a happy healthy baby! You need to focus on being positive for yourself and your kids and not worry about anything else. YOU are the only one responsible for your happiness. But you are also responsible for the happiness of your children. So be thankful you have been blessed with kids and just love them and yourself. Everything will work out the way it is meant to~:

  5. Believe me I have been there in 1998 I was expecting my 2nd child with a 1 yer old already and not married, I was not done with shcool and had no car. It gets better, all you can do hun is push forward take it one day at a time and know this baby is going to be a special blessing. My son is 9 now and I considered abortion, and adoption when I found out I was pregnant again. He is here for a definite reason every baby is so regardless of your circumstances which I know are hard for you just be the bst mom and person you can. Your body is raging with hormones right now and after birth those hormones suddenly drop off so this causes the PP depression. What you are feeling is normal because things are bad but remember feeli8ngs and attiutde are a choice, overcome the voice that tells you negative things and don't choose to listen to them! Tell yourself instead to focus on the positive things arond you and in your life.

  6. You may just have depression. It may be hard, but you have to get some support from your family, friends, and church. Forget the the father! Put all your energy into raising your other beautiful children. Hes not worth it and your health and your future baby health isn't worth it!

  7. Hey!  You are depressed and understandably so.  You really need to get some medication to get you through your difficult time.  I have experienced depression during pregnancy and it is awful.  I was on welbutrin on and off during the last 5 years.   Really don't be ashamed of a little help to get through.  Your kids need a balanced mommy. And it won't hurt your baby.

  8. "Post partum" means after birth, so no. What you have is plain old depression.

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