
Can you get someone else's karma?

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When someone else does something...and the victim thinks YOU did it..and punishes YOU that karma?




  1. Karma is the seeds that are sown during any deed.  Even a well intentioned action performed by a fool could be karmic if the intentions were not well-received.

    So, actually, yes.  If someone believes you to be in the wrong for an action not taken by you that is bad karma.  Just not for you.

  2. Karma, as I understand it, is the concept that the universe keeps an account of the good and bad deeds of each person and dishes out justice accordingly.  This belief fails to account for how bad things happen to good people and vice versa.

    It should be noted the concept of karma is, outside of the religious context, just a figurative way of describing how everyone gets his just deserts.

  3. It would be karma if you have ever punished the wrong person for something you think they did.

  4. Karma is mental impression of a deed, or thought, left in the mind and in Buddhism is the cause of reward or punishment depending on good or bad.  Some think a persons chaka is visible, or aura, which is the light of energy emitted form one's electric currents flowing through their body.

    In your question about being punished for something you did not do, it could be called karma, for the belief in karma is you get what you deserve.

  5. Can someone else breathe for you?

  6. No, I don't think so Deenie.  Karma is one's own to earn.  What happens when someone is mistakenly punished for someone else's misdeeds is called injustice.  Karma is always justice..♥

  7. That could be...

    All my life I been accuse of things I have not done, and have suffered for it.

    But another way to look at it, as I reflect is, if all them bad experiences didn't happen to wouldn't of made me stronger person, and I wouldn't of learned from them types of experiences to help others.

  8. Nope...thats called making a mistake...karma is when something comes back on someone because they deserved it.

  9. Proberly yes.If you live with a partner who is very negitive sometimes that can reflect on you

  10. I do believe that karma is the reaping and sowing cycle of life.So even if you didnt do something directly to the person ,you could have sown a bad seed somewhere eles and you could be paying for that.

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