
Can you get stretch marks on your arm where your muscle has grown?

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My mate has stretch marks on his back from a growth spurt and I have some marks on my biceps and I was wondering if you can get them there too? I do Boxing so that would explain it.




  1. Hi,

    I used to have pretty bad stretch marks and red scars around my belly region ever since I gave birth to my three kids.I had tried Vitamin E oil and cocoa butter which a number of people had recommended but unfortunately it didn't seem to work too well. My Doctor had even suggested that I go for a Tummy Tuck. I then recently read an article about a lady who supposedly got rid of her stretch marks using a particular cream. I tried it and it worked really well. It took a number of weeks but my stretch marks soon faded away. You can read the lady's article at the link below.

  2. Yes you can. I got some on my upper back and shoulders, aswell as biceps, when i started working out alot.

  3. Yes i have some on my biceps but they are going away

  4. Yes you can get them anywhere,  

  5. Yea you can, It's not rare or unnormal at all..It's actually very common in weight lifters.>Seriously do you think alll the big body building guys are just pretty skinned..Lol not at all they're more common to have them than anyone..Including rather obeses people.( They show more)

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