
Can you get sunburnt at the same rate on a sunny as an overcast day?

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I know you can get sunburnt on an overcast day, but does it happen as fast as it does on a sunny day. Would you get burnt on an overcast day faster, slower, or at the same rate as a sunny day? My dad and I argued about this. Thanks in advance :)




  1. Yes, as you said, you can get burnt on an overcast day. But I think that it would happen a little bit slower. It all depends on hou thick the cloud layer is, the time of year, and the time of the day (10AM - 3PM is the worst).


  2. Yes, and it can often be worse. The clouds magnify the suns rays. The worst I got sunburned was on a cloudy day. Even more than swimming on a sunny day. I had blisters and it was not pretty.

  3. you get burnt faster on an overcast day

  4. I don't think so because i have heard that clouds offer about 20% protection from uv rays. I don't remember if that number is correct, but whether it is or not you can still get sunburned almost as easily, but i think that it would take a little longer for the uv rays to penetrate your body. My answer is uncertain but it makes sense that it would take place a bit more slowly.

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