
Can you get suspnded or detention in college?

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i got suspended before in jhs (still in it) since then i want to know if u could get detention or suspencion in college




  1. You can be academically suspended.  This would include not maintaining a minimum GPA, cheating/plagiarism, and other severely disruptive practices in the classroom.  However, most people who do get suspended usually do so for failing to maintain a minimum GPA.

  2. Not detention but you can an academic suspension if you get all F's.  

  3. No.  But if your teacher decides to have an attendance policy they can decide to dock your grade for now showing up.  Most schools also have a policy that the teacher can drop you from the class for non-attendance.  You don't get your tuition back either.

    If you get too many failing grades or drop too many classes you will get thrown out of the school all together.

  4. they can make you leave there class. but thats it.  

  5. You most definitely can get suspended while in college.  It can be for one semester or for one academic year.  You can be expelled.  You can be put on probation for not making passing grades or for behavior problems (like drinking in the dorms.)

    All of this will stay on your permanent records...forever!  

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