
Can you get the implanon at the age of 15? Does it hurt afterwards?

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Im 15 years old, turning 16 next month, I want to know if you can get it ilegally? without a parent?




  1. It is very expensive if you don't have insurance. My insurance paid for 90% and I still had to pay $300 out of pocket. Prices vary somewhat depending on where you are but it's not something you can save up your milk money for. Also, if you are under the legal age, they will require a parents consent. As for whether or not it hurts, mine hurt a little but nothing bad. They numbed up the area pretty good and inserted it, I watched the entire process. After the anesthetic wore off, my arm was a little sore with a pretty serious bruise. I mean the bruise was scary ugly! People were like...WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM!! That went away after about a week. The only pain or discomfort I have is sometimes when I move my arm, it will pull a little, sort of like a pinch. If I put my arm down and then do whatever it was again, the feeling is gone. I have had it in for just over two months now. I had it put in the day after my period ended. I waited 7 days to have s*x (unprotected with my husband) and had one period about a month and half after having it put in. Occasionally I'll spot a little but nothing even really worth worrying about. Maybe more information than you wanted to know but there are so many reviews and forum postings from women who hate the implant and bleed non stop and are moody, gain weight..etc etc... I just thought some good feedback might be nice for once!

  2. no you cant with out a parent becuase of insurance. The inplanon is usually for women with children who want to wait until the time is right for another kid. In your case seeing how your going to turn sixteen, why dont you go and get the easies type of birth control the pill, you can go to your local planned parenthood and get if free. If you ask me I think you are too young for s*x anyway.

  3. There is a reason why you need a parent to consent to something like this and why a dr won't give it to someone as young as you are! You will be putting your life at risk! Why would want to do something like that!

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