
Can you get the meaning of this poem?

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This is something I wrote last night, but I'm afraid is a little too obscure, could you please guess what it's about. Don't feel embarassed to say something. Also, comments are welcome, but please don't correct me on grammar. It's called Copy and Paste.

Inside of me a war is waged

At times I think I’ve gone insane.

I start to think my mind is made.

And then walks in an unknown face

Whose appearance I then replace

With your tantalizing and forsaken grace.

In her I see that memory of mine

Your light brown hair, your dark brown eyes

And in this cozy trap I lie.

I want to get out, but I also don’t.

I like it there and decide I won’t.

And to this illusion I dote.

Reality checks in before long

My left half reminds me that you’re gone.

I grab my guitar and play a sad song.

My persona eventually becomes steady

At long last I think I’m ready

And then I see you again…and it’s deadly.




  1. Wow, it  sounds like you are really hurting, so much so it makes me a bit nervous that you might "zone out" and think some other girl is the one you've lost.  Even though your music gives you some refuge, your use of the word "deadly" might be a bit Freudian?  I sympathize with how devastating it can be to have a failed relationship, but you either need to get a hold of yourself and move on ... or seek professional help.

  2. It starts out strong, but fizzles.

  3. My friend, this is very well done.  I do not think it is too obscure at all -- Many professional poets and students/teachers of poetry would, rather, say that it's right on target.  Poe or Dylan would be proud of you, I think.

    If I may:

    Your feelings are pulled multiple directions because you're missing your lady who has left you.  Sometimes the stress feels too great for your sanity to bear, but your mind assigns her features and lost beauty to replace the face you see on a stranger.

    You see the stranger bearing your lost love's countenance, with her lovely brown hair and eyes, and your mind is trapped in this, that you know full well is an illusion, but it's comfortable -- You like it there, and spend your affection on the misconception that you realize is really false.

    But then your logical side wakes you up to the realization that your beloved has left you.  You console yourself by playing sad songs on your guitar, and that helps you get control of your emotions.

    And, just when you've gotten control of yourself, it happens again and just about kills you.

    What do you think?  Am I close?


  4. its amazing. i really like it.

  5. I think that it's about being with one person but, your really in love with someone you have lost.  This causes you to compare them and yearn for the first love that you cannot have.  Just my take on the poem.

  6. Is it about being torn between two people you love?

    Thats what i got out of it.

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