
Can you get this kind of job in the uk?

by  |  earlier

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I saw this link on google it's the idea job i'd love to do when i'm older, i'm only 16, starting college ( College not university for you Americans on the uk yahoo answers, university comes when i'm 18 ) However, i was wandering is this the kind of job you can get in the Uk, working for our goverment?




  1. I can`t see why not. It is just Analysing other countries Military manoeuvres and procedures. We would need that in the UK as well as pretty much any other country.

    However, once you leave College or Uni, I would imagine you would have to have a stint in the Army.

    If you work hard and study then you can achieve anything.

  2. Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth? If not then you have no chance

  3. If you study long and hard enough, opportunities will present themselves, though I cannot guarantee they will be exactly like this.  For starters, a masters degree will take 5 or 6 years, then the military history and / or political or international experience will add on a few more years.

    If you can do really well in your studies and stand out for meticulous attention to detail, employers will headhunt you.  They all want the best, the cream of the crop.

    Or you could go straight for the army and start off with the military experience.  Good idea, unless they send you off to Iraq or somewhere.

    Good Luck !!!

  4. These jobs do not get advertised in the small ads here in the UK

    It is a question of "don't call us, we will call you"  Get it?

  5. to be honest i think these people are being hard on it its only a $46K - $90K a year thats **** if you need a degree and that you could do better elsewhere  

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