
Can you get this riddle right?

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There was a little boy on a bridge. He saw a boat approaching. The boat was full of people. He turned around for a second then turned back to face the boat. There wasn't a single person on the boat. What happened to all of the people?

Good luck.




  1. He knocked them off the edge when he turned around.

  2. they jumped off the boat as soon the boat was under thr bridge

  3. Oh, they're still there. The boat is filled with married couples, though, so there wouldn't be a single person on the boat, they'd all be taken.  

  4. Everyone on the boat is married! (not single)

    Ahah (:

  5. titanic LOL

  6. the bridge blocks the tragectory so it appears to only be a boat

  7. cos there was more than one person on board!!!!

  8. i will know when  you tell me

  9. Of course there wasn't a single person on the boat.  There were lots of people!

  10. There wasn't a single person on the boat as they were all married.

  11. Not the same boat ? [LoL]

  12. they went down stairs to eat?

  13. They jumped off the boat,

  14. They were all married as they went under the bridge.

  15. They were all married

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