
Can you give a german shepherd baths weekly without drying out their skin ?

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My shepherd is allowed to go in or out of the house as she pleases. She can get a little dirty at times. I have read online and in books that you should only bathe your gsd 4 times a year. How can I bathe her without any side effects?




  1. I think 4 times a year is a little bit extreme.

    Although once a week will def.

    wash out her natural oils and cause dry flaky skin.

    witch will be very irritating at itchy.

    I have 3 small dogs and i bath them once every 2 weeks..

    and there skin and fur is perfectly healthy and fine.

    no side effects what so ever.

    so i advise instead of weekly make it on a 2 week basis.

    Good Luck.


  2. No, That is way to much bathing for a dog.

    We have a Chow/Husky that is 3 years old.  he has yet to need a bath.

    I brush him daily, he sleeps and lives indoors with us, and is not allowed out of the yard on his own.  He does not smell, his hair is gorgeous and the only maintence that he needs outside of brushing is to have his nails cut and ears/teeth cleaned which we do ever 3-5 months.  

    Dogs don't need bathing unless they roll in something, or get into Mud or dirt, etc.  They keep themselves cleaned by grooming and they are very clean animals unless they are sick and can't care for themselves.

  3. I'd say any more than one every 2 weeks is bad...

    Maybe buy some wipes and brush her, hey thats what happens with long haired dog haha.

  4. Dog soaps and shampoos weren't always as mild and gentle as they are now, so people were cautioned to bathe their dogs infrequently.  You can bathe just about any dog once a week but not more often than that unless instructed to do so by your vet.  Your main worries will be to keep shampoo out of the dog's eyes, ears, nose and mouth, and to rinse thoroughly, again avoiding the eyes, ears, nose and mouth.  Bathing will speed up the shedding process which can help because it means your dog will finish its seasonal shedding much faster.  It is also a nuisance to have so much more hair than usual everywhere.  Be sure to brush your dog well before the bath and again after he is dry.  Daily brushing can keep a lot of hair off the floor.  An important note: dog hair can clog up your plumbing so try to figure out a way to wash your dog outdoors or have a groomer do it.  If there is a self service groom shop in your area, they are great, too (and very reasonably priced).

  5. I think you can bathe her bi-weekly and possibly just rinse of paws as needed. Do use a gentle dog shampoo and mild temperature water. If she gets too dry, then do once a month. In a pinch a wet wash cloth can get wipe dirty spots on face and under belly.

  6. If you bathe her more often than every 2 weeks you risk drying her skin out too much because you'll be washing away essential oils from her skin and coat. When you do bathe her use a gentle shampoo like aloe and oatmeal and if it's some dirt from her playing, just rinse her with water. You can also use unscented baby wipes to wipe her feet and coat.  

  7. If you feel you must bathe her often look for a good dog shampoo to help with the skin.

  8. If she is not completely messed up, they sell pet wipes that act just like baby wipes. You just wipe up the affected area and your good to go.

    Otherwise look for a very gentle puppy shampoo.

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