
Can you give a reason other than Mr. Randi's million dollars that the paranormal is not real?

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Have you done any research on the phenomenon? Not looking to cause an argument, just looking to find out where your viewpoint is based.




  1. Yep.  Plus I'm a scientist.  I have read many books, talked to a lot of people, and read much of the research that has been done.  There's nothing to support it.  Nothing.  Sorry.  Feel free to come up with some evidence - you'll win the Nobel Prize.  My viewpoint is based on the fact that no one has ever been able to support their claims.  And in the end, that's the only basis we have for determining if something is real.  Looks like it's not.

  2. There isn't a shred of evidence that it is.

  3. Perhaps this is something that cannot be proven or disproved.  I suspect that paranormal entities are in some way selective in who they interact with.

  4. Every time a so-called "paranormal" effect is tested under actual scientifically-accepted conditions, it fails.  Every time.  Dowsing, ESP, over-unity energy generators, homeopathy, you name it.  

    The problem that paranormal advocates have is that if what they do does ever turn out to be real, it would then be able to be measured.  If it can be measured, it can then be reproduced.  If it can be reproduced, they then lose their "gift" and a substantial income.  

    That isn't to say that everyone who claims to be able to read minds or tell the future or cure diseases is a scammer.  Many of them are just deluded, and really think that they do have some sort of power beyond the norm.  Unfortunately, in that situation, there is very little that can be done to convince them otherwise.  No one wants to admit that they're not special.

  5. Well now all the skeptics forgotten about Aura reading. It has been documented and scientifically reproduced, ie... Kirlian photography. It also can be learned by anyone that has two working eyes.

  6. I happen to like the Randi answer.  If there are paranormal powers there must be people possessing them that could use a quick million bucks.  But, to haul out an old response, why aren't psychics rich?  Why don't psychics ever win the lottery?  If I were psychic i'd certainly win the lottery. Often.   Lots of psychics aren't exactly rolling in the dough. Have you ever heard of a rich psychic  who hadn't written a book that believers bought?  And if a lottery prediction is too hard, how about a horse race? Roulette? Anything. How can anyone believe a poor psychic?   Obviously these psychics who aren't psychics are going to  trot out some answer that their powers cannot be used for individual gain...BS!!!

  7. There seems to be a great deal of emphasis on "abilities" and "powers".  The only thing I’ve experienced was a rare phenomenon.  It certainly wasn’t intentional or even welcome. If it hadn’t happened, I’d love to be a skeptic (seems to be a lot of fun). I can’t help but chuckle at the thought of it happening to some of the skeptics.

  8. It is impossible to prove a negative, so we have to use the fact that no one in the history of mankind has ever demonstrated a supernatural event that a magician could not reproduce. as our "proof" that it doesn't exist.

    When someone proves it does exist, let's go from there.

  9. Because there is no evidence for it.If you look into the paranormal and I have.Every time,the claims fall apart under scrutiny.Another reason it's just plain superstitious silliness.The real question is, how anyone can believe in it?The answer,they just want to,it's more fun.

  10. Scientifically, the reason why someone would doubt the reality of the paranormal is for (a) overwhelming lack of evidence, (b) constant failure in attempts to obtain evidence and (c) such claims are not built upon our current scientific knowledge nor are paranormal abilities even predicted to exist, and in fact in many ways are quite contrary to our understanding of physics.

    That doesn't make remote viewing, psychokinesis, et al impossible, but just very, very improbable.

  11. I chose to live in a reality-based world.  Actually, I don't *choose* to, I live in a reality-based world whether I want to or not.  What makes me different from those who are true believers in the paranormal is that I choose to recognize the fact that I live in a reality-based world.

    If you choose to believe in that which has no proof, that's fine.  But don't pretend something is real when there is nothing more than your word to define, explain and back up that assertion.

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