
Can you give an example of a descriptive paragraph about teenage romance?

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Can you give an example of a descriptive paragraph about teenage romance?




  1. i wanna answer this question but i dont know what you want is it this?

    For years, the people that lived next door to you were an older couple living in a house that was more than half-way empty. They moved when you had turned eight. And at first, you didn't really care who the new neighbors would be.

    Then your brother started to tell you what seemed to be horror stories, about all types of bad neighbors. So when a small family moved in next door, you avoided even going near their yard, afraid that the son would throw ants on you. And when he was outside, just walking around, you watched him from your second story window.

    After a year of not trusting the boy, you met him at school. He was nine, and you were nine. The two of you in the same class for your fourth grade year and he still didn't have any friends. Although he stared at you when you walked up to him, you two immediately became friends.

    After nine years Tyler had always been the boy next door, and all the girls wanted to be his. He never dated, saying that he was too busy with sports and school. And every morning, at ungodly hours, he'd be outside running. Most of the time he'd call to wake you up just in case if he passed out and to hear your voice. Although he never admitted that he liked to hear your voice as one of the first things he heard in the morning.

    How the Seven Minutes Went...

    You stuck your hand in Sam's University of Kentucky hat, knowing she was paying about the least amount of attention to what was going. Why? She was watching the Harry Potter movies with the Fluffy obsessed boy sitting next to her, Rowan. You smiled and ruffled Rowan's hair a bit, knowing that he would rather play this game with another guy.

    "Fourteen?" You asked, looking at all the guys that were sitting on the couch. Most were about to fall asleep, bored from watching Harry Potter.

    Tyler's dark brown, disheveled brown hair covered his apple green eyes by now. He hadn't bothered to cut his hair recently, due to the fact that he wasn't playing whatever sport he played in the fall. "Whaat..?" He groaned, sounding cute and tired at the same time.

    You looked at Tyler, knowing that underneath his shirt were muscles that flexed every time he did any sort of movement. Knowing that underneath his tired and beaten attitude was someone that had been your best friend. That had listened to your secrets and complaints and just nodded, never speaking a word of them later.

    "Tyler, it's your turn," Sam threw a lone piece of popcorn at Tyler. All he did was lazily catch in his mouth and give a small smile. Sam just turned back to occasionally toss a popcorn piece for Rowan.

    Tyler stood up and stretched while yawning. "So... who am I with?" Tyler asked, looking at you questioningly. You held up the piece of paper that you had drawn and smiled.

    "I'm with you," You said while smiling. Tyler gave a little smile, the one that meant he was happy. His red bandana was wrapped around his head, making his long hair stick up a little more, but not a ton. His green eyes and red bandana made you think of Christmas, and remembering all the Christmas days you spent with him.

    And how every birthday you had wished for him to be there on Christmas with you, and wishing that he would be your Christmas present. Although it sounded corny, you had always seemed to wish for Tyler.

    And now, you didn't really have to wish. As Tyler walked in to the closet, you started to get nervous. You followed him closely, though you seemed to be more nervous than him. Easily, you were more nervous than him.

    "Hey... ____ I don't really know if we should... do anything. If you don't want to... I guess we won't, because I'm up-" Tyler was cut off by you standing on your tippie toes to kiss him gently on the lips.

    When you pulled away, the look of surprise and confusion in Tyler's eyes made you immediately regret even thinking about kissing him. You felt your cheeks grow hot and your eyesight grow blurry.

    "If you don't like me... then it's okay... because I haven't been like all those other girls that spent their birthday wishes on you, slowly blowing out the candles, hoping that the wish would come true. I'm not, I promise," You stumbled over the words.

    Tyler's eyes slowly softened the apple green making you want an apple, just to think about how Tyler might taste. "___, I'm so sorry. I was just... surprised," Then he saw you start choking on tears and he started to panic. "Not in the bad way! I'm sorry! I really don't know how to tell you this," Tyler mumbled the last part. He was looking at the ground, suddenly acting like he was fascinated by the white carpet. Like the ground was growing hair.

    But when he raised his eyes up to yours, you saw something kind and caring. "I really like... you..." Tyler whispered while he brought you in to a bear hug.

    It was his bear hugs that made you feel protected. And apparently he noticed that you seemed to like them, because you would always ask for a hug. This way, he also made you feel like the luckiest girl on Earth.

    "And when you said that thing about wishing for me on your birthday... To me, it's that way. Every year I wish for another year to spend with you," Tyler whispered, his hot breath gently warming your right ear, where he was whispering his words.

    What happened after?

    Tyler asked you out on a date, and wouldn't stop apologizing for confusing/making you cry.

    well something like this???

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