
Can you give atleast 3 reasons why I should Vote for either Obama, that new Guy (Liberatarian), or Hillary??

by Guest34157  |  earlier

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  1. Bush bush bush

  2. Well, If liberty is what you want, then should you not vote liberty?

    I cannot tell you who you should vote for, all I can say is that we can look into Clinton's past deeds, and see that she does not follow our Constitution, Niether does Obama strike me as a man we want as our leader, but Ron Paul was my rep for a few years berfore the Texan repubs sent him away. I like Paul. He is a man who, while opposing abortion (He's an obstetrician) believes that the government has no say as to what you do with your personal life. We can see his military record, and he has served in the Texas house for many terms. While he supports our troops he does not support the wars.

    Is that enough?

    Do NOT vote for a man because he is a man, Do NOT vote for a woman because she is a woman. All man are capapble of the same evil deeds, white, black, yellow, pink, and orange, skin color and gender make no boundaries.

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