
Can you give blood if you're on medication?

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Obviously there are some drugs which prevent you giving blood if you're taking them, but I was wondering if it's the policy in the UK not to allow you to give blood if you're taking ANY medication?




  1. It depends on the type of medication you are on It very easy to check out just call your local Red Cross and the will give you the answer free

  2. The Blood Donor Helpline, 0845 7 711 711 can probably tell you if a particular medication is a problem or not.

    A yes answer to that question means a more detailed cross check in the interview. Antibiotics are a definite NO.

  3. Depends on the medication. Also if you have had an operation in the past year you cant give blood.

  4. you shouldnt, but it doesnt mean you cant

  5. no, you can't. to be a blood donor your blood must be completely clean and free of any drugs, otherwise you could end up getting the recipient sicker than they already are. it isn't safe.

  6. if u call their 0845 no that they advertise they can tell u.  i take medication for blood pressure and they said i couldnt donate unfortunately. it depends what u r taking they look it up and give u an answer

  7. Guidelines for UK Blood Services says:

    "Donor deferral for most drugs is based on the underlying illness suffered by the donor rather than for the properties of the drug itself, e.g. cardiovascular disease, diabetes, anaemia and malignancies. Since, in general, traces of drugs in blood and blood components are believed to be harmless to patients, many people taking medications – even when prescribed – are acceptable as blood donors so long as the reason for which the medication is taken is acceptable."

    And some paragraphs later...

    "Sporadic self-medication with some drugs (e.g. vitamins, aspirin, sleeping tablets) need not prevent a donation being accepted, providing the donor is in good health.

    If the donor has taken drugs affecting platelet function (e.g. aspirin) within the last five days the donation shall not be used for preparing platelets. A list of such drugs is in the JPAC Donor Selection Guidelines.(1) Other drugs or tablets may be acceptable. However the taking of some drugs may indicate a disease which would automatically make a donor ineligible."

  8. They will advise you when you have the little consultation prior to giving blood, whether the medication your taking will allow you to continue.

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