
Can you give examples of why "it's lonely at the top"?

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  1. depends on what you are on top of.

  2. Not examples, but an explanation.

    The main reason is, when you're at "the top" a lot of people want things from you, or want to be around you only because you're at the top.

    Thus, people are all kissy-poo with you, but don't really care about YOU as a person at all.

    It's really hard for those at the top to know who their true friends are.

    There's also what it takes to get and stay at the top, which tends to be a LOT of time and effort (and often heartlessness, too), thus reducing time for a social life and family.

    Last night 60 Minutes did a piece on Jon Bon Jovi. His band have been together all this time, and they're still close friends, and he's been long married. Thus, he has built-in close relationships from people who think of him as a PERSON, not a potential supply of goodies.

    When people manage to do that, then they find it much less lonely at the top.

  3. Because when someone is at the top of something their are people always beneath them wanting to be in their place and most of the time that means that the one on the top has to be knocked off so many people will be trying to do them wrong to get them off the top so that person that was on the top can be replaced by the one who did them wrong......

    It is lonely because you are never sure of any ones intentions around you whether they are trying to help you OR get you removed from their so that they themselves can take your place..............

  4. When you are at the top of your profession, its hard to make friends, for a few reasons. First, the people who are likely to be at the top probably worked ruthlessly to get there, and maintained few real relationships. Also, new friends are likely to be only there for your money, your influence, or favors of some sort. In addition, a person who is brilliant enough to be the best has few peers who can relate to their life....Think of the geniuses in history....who could Michelangelo relate to on an even level? The frustrations of being President are also hard for others to understand. Think of the vast number of people in the world, and the few who have been in that position before. Its hard to be able to have anyone to understand what its like to have the fate of millions of lives in your hands every day.

    The few people who don't seem as lonely at the top are the ones who have stable relationships with family, lifelong friends and people they can truly trust. This is one reason that the term "family values"  is brought up in elections. If a person has good relationships with their family, they are a little more likey to have a balance in their lives when they "get there". The best Presidents and inventors and entrepreneurs in history generally have someone to share things with.

    Also, if you are at the top, where else is there to go? For someone driven completely by ambition, when the ultimate goals are reached, then what? Plus, there are tons of other hungry people who want your place, and will do just about anything to knock you off the top. (Visualizing a mountain peak is a good way to relate...there isn't room for many others there.)

    Often, the loneliness of genius twists a person into something else. Its a hard load to carry, and many people go insane with the pressure. Think of the movie and music stars that rise to the top really fast, before they have time to develop their character and resilience...and you will see many people with legions of adoring fans, but few, if any, close friends. Its a recipe for emotional breakdowns. And that is about the loneliest place of all.

  5. unfortunatly being at the top has many good thing, such as power money ect, but also has alot of down sides. it makes you an easier target for gossip, as some people are jelouse, others just dont like whoever is the boss. you get the short end of the stick in high positions as you have to discipline others and keep things rolling, this means the decisions you make are not going to go down with well with everyone. you cant always please. its a fine line between being at the top and being likes, between not being liked but keeping people doing their job. its lonely at the top becouse you have made it.. you dont work with anyone on your same level and it makes it a solitary life, with lots of responsibilities and few people to turn to when you need human advice.

  6. since the top requires the best of qualities ...''its the extreme end '' The Sun has the extreme heat......Oceans have the extreme depths .........minds have extremes of imagination

    ..........................only a few gether the courage to surpass those limits of responsibility set at the top ......hence lonliness

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