
Can you give me 3 good reasons why it's wrong to teach your kids to curse?

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Here's three good reasons why it's good:

1. They have a larger vocabulary.

2. They get more respect from their peers.

3. People will pay more attention to them if they want something because when you scream curse words at someone they usually get annoyed enough to at least look at you.

and here's a bonus reason... If you teach them about it yourself, they won't learn it from their friends and have it be this forbidden thing that they will grow to love more and more into their adulthood. What joo think of that mang?




  1. 1. They might think it's a good thing to do.

    2. They might curse to their teachers.

    3. They might curse to family members.

  2. It makes them look bad

    It make people wonder what type of parents they have

    They are very negative words that degrade others

    There is no reason why one would need to curse

  3. I won't be able to find any reasons besides getting them in trouble at school. I was raised in a home where my mother swore all the time. Yes I swear now, but its never in anger. People just assume because f*ck is a curse word that it can only be used in a bad way. The other day, I said something to my friend after she told me something that was on the news, and I said, "that's f*cking crazy" or even trying a new food and saying "thats some good sh*t." I think everyone just has a misconception about the words, and just choose to ignore the fact that they are still just words. And anyone who compares swearing to drugs, is retarded. Swearing is not hurting my body in any manner and I can control swearing while attending church and such. Who really decided "sh*t" was a curse word? People who had nothing better to do, honestly. If you let your kids swear at a young age, whats left to rebel against?

    --added-- Also, no I am not uneducated. I graduated from high school unlike most of my generation has. If I wasted time caring what other people thought of me, what kind of person would I be?

  4. Well,

      1.Swearing is what people do when they don't have anything intelligent to say.(Your kids will sound ignorant)

      2.It makes you look like a very bad parent

      3.Other people wont let their children hang out with your kids.You will leave your kids without friends.

    Can you give me three good reasons why it's good to teach your kids to swear?

  5. 1. They'll get in trouble at school.

    2. A lot of other kids parents won't let them play with yours because they'll consider them a bad influence so keeping friends might be difficult.

    3. People will see them as low class & trashy in general.

  6. 1. Because other adults find it disrespectful

    2. Because they will get in trouble at school

    3. Because they have to  have SOME form of rebellion, and cursing is innocuous, as it compares to say drug use or promiscuity, or even blue hair!

  7. It's rude

    It's disrespectful

    It makes one look uneducated

  8. 1. Disrespectful

    2.  They may be to young to understand what they're saying.

    3.  No one wants to see a really cute kid have a sailor's mouth.

    4.  It's unattractive to see someone when they're older that you'd consider attractive only to hear them curse every word in the world.  It's gross and REALLY smoking.

  9. 1. You'll probably get some calls from your kids teachers. You may even have to go to the school. And with gas at $4.25/gallon, who wants to make an extra trip?

    2. Since most kids can't pronounce words correctly until they are around 3 or 4, no one will realize they are cursing anyway. They may say "truck" or "fut" instead of what you really want them to say, so it will lose it's effect.

    3. They may turn out to be an idiot like you.

  10. As my Grandmother always said, "People who curse are not intelligent enough to use more creative words".  That being said, most of us will curse from time to time.  My kids know swear words, but know that they are not appropriate in polite conversations for anyone to use.  I just think there are much better ways to express oneself than to curse.

  11. 1.  People don't respect someone when every other word out of their mouth is a curse word

    2. It makes a person sound uneducated, trashy and cheap

    3. It shows ignorance in dealing with frustration and anger

    And here's my bonus answer:

    Because it limits a child's vocabulary when it comes to using their intelligence to find words to express themselves.  All they have to do is spout off the first curse word that comes to mind instead of actually thinking intelligently.

  12. 1. It will affect them in school. Cursing becomes habitual, it will be very hard for the child to remember that they can curse at home but not in class, thus leading to the child getting in trouble at school.

    2. Other parents may not let their children associate with yours because they don't want their children using such language. While you may think that this is not a big deal, when your child doesn't get invited to parties or can't go to other kids' houses he/she will have to deal with that hurt.

    3. Cursing will follow your child for life - school and work situations. A foul mouthed person is likely to be passed over for promotions, or even not hired for certain jobs because their language does not fit the company's image. Cursing can become habitual, this is not something that you want your child to have to consciously un learn in  20 years because they can't get ahead in life.

  13. It's disrespectful

    It's doesn't assist the child in learning to deal with their anger

    Most swear words are to either hurt someone by calling them a name or to emphasize your anger or frustrations.  I would like to think that I can teach my children better then that.

    It's inappropriate.

  14. Three good reasons NOT to let your kids curse:

    1. They have a smaller vocabulary - instead of looking for descriptive words to express their feelings in an intelligent way, they rely on a handful of vulgar words that have little meaning.

    2. They get less respect from their peers - people who curse are looked down on as trashy, ill-bred and unintelligent.

    3. People will pay less attention to them because when you scream curse words you are annoying and offensive and people will write them off as idiots.

  15. It won't make them popular at their friends' houses.

    Teachers won't appreciate it.

    You shouldn't teach your kids words that they can't explain the meaning of.

  16. /\ the other answers are no fun...

    your reasons nailed it!

  17. yes,but you need to teach them how to use the words to gain the best value out of them

  18. You know, in reality there isn't much wrong with the cursing itself - I think it just sounds distasteful and can be very disrespectful to those around your child.

  19. it sounds disgusting.

    it is VERY low class.

    its extremely disrespectful.

  20. 1. they could say it in school my mistake and get in trouble

    2. They won't say it to there Friends that don't know what a cuss word even is.

    3. They will not understand not to say it in public

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