
Can you give me a decent guideline when pricing my Crochet works for sale??

by  |  earlier

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people want me to make hats, blankets,etc to their requested colors and patterns. What is a good guideline to go by when setting my prices? Do I go by hours it takes me to make the item or materials used or both. I want it to be a fair guideline for me and my customers.

If you have sold knit or crochet stuff what guidelines do you use?




  1. You do need to make sure you recoup the price of your yarn; however, a little thought needs to go into how much you charge for your time.  When you do something that is custom and you have to shop for the yarn especially for that project, I think you need to charge for all the time it takes you to complete the project.  If you are doing something you are very familiar with and have done many times, then you maybe can some up with a price that will  just be the charge for the time on that project.  It would be helpful if you would make up some samples of project frequently asked for or that you are willing to make on a repeat basis so potential customer can see the completed project and your complete price for it.  When you do custom project, make sure you have a comprehensive and complete idea what the customer has in mind.

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