
Can you give me a good example of situation in which you applied good time management skills?

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  1. swim lessons-i have 30 minute blocks to teach children how to swim , its a very tough thing to do,  the younger the kids are hard it gets because their minds seem to drift in space so i always need to be able to ajust for unexcepeted situations

  2. When I stayed up until 3 in the morning to finish an AP US paper after I had a volleyball game which ended late, only to have my teacher be absent from school.

  3. I've been using a cool free website called YAKiToMe! to turn my electronic text files into audio books using their high-quality text to speech. I download the mp3 audio files to my iPod and listen to them on the way to/from work. I can listen to my email, memos (PDF or MS Word documents), websites, Powerpoint presentations while I'm on the road or exercising. Helps me keep up with my reading.

  4. I am indian high school boy.In indian government organize an exam called Indian institute of technology joint enterence (IITJEE) exam for admission in worlds second most prostigeous engerniaring college & i had got thirteenth rank in it out of 1123242 students by studing for 14 hours regularly & sleeping for 8 hours & for misslaneus things 2 hours

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