
Can you give me a list of you're most hated people or you're most hated attitude of someone.Why?

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just curious.




  1. I hate stubborn, close-minded people that think they know everything by assuming.

  2. Most hated people....hhhmmmm....politicians?

    But most hated attitude;

    1. liar- because they just cant be trusted in most cases

    2. insincere - cause they'd give you the doubtful feeling all time

    3. pretentious - not their actual self and hiding behind a facade

    4. unhygenic- yucky yucky....

    5. late for appointment - will make them a small time liar

    6. break promises - they've got loads of excuses to give you later on

    7. bad temper - you read about these sorta people

    8. control freak - you'll feel imprisonment with them

  3. I don't hate anyone. It would not hurt the other person, but destroy me.

    I really, really, really dislike my fiance's ex-wife. She is the epitome of the "evil ex-wife", and gives all other women a bad name.

  4. The fake girls at my high school who claim they are "the plastics" (my school only has 250 ppl, everyone know everyone) and wanted to start a burn book

    They backstab, they wear all this make-up and when one doesn't wear any make-up, the same "friends" talk behind her back and start saying how ugly she looks

    They think that they're cute, funny, etc...makes me sick really

    and Im not jealous, trusyt me, everyone at school likes me, i've been told that I am "down-to-earth", very nice, everyone talks to me, the type of person someone would like to be friends with (and im not concieted)

    anyways...i highly detest their fake world...of plastic, lies, and drama  

  5. Well there's this girl that trained me at a job like five years ago. She was a complete b-otch. Then we ended up working at another job together by coincidence. Then we moved to the same new town and she sometimes comes into my job and just stares at me like some kind of freak. So I kinda hate her a little. Just live and let live, ya kno?

  6. i can't stand prejudice prettied up as ignorance. someone is either racist or they're not... my nutty neighbour being one of them. she really is a racist freaking fruitloop and i can't wait to move

    I can't stand it when someone has had a bad experience with a relationship then goes on to label every single man or woman as exactly the same

    I can't stand women that call other women ho's. Come on girls don't you think we have enough name calling without calling eachother that aswell???

  7. I can't stand when people have the attitude that they know everything and are above everyone.

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