
Can you give me a list with a great deck around 50 cards?? Including the 5 pieces of Exodia Necross??

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Can you give me a list with a great deck around 50 cards?? Including the 5 pieces of Exodia Necross??




  1. 40 cards is best for Exodia decks

    here is one of the many you can make

    Monster (16)

    1x Exodia the Forbidden One

    1x Right Leg of the Forbidden One

    1x Right Arm of the Forbidden One

    1x Left Arm of the Forbidden One

    1x Left Leg of the Forbidden One

    2x Manticore of Darkness

    3x Mystic Tomato

    3x Emissary of the Afterlife

    1x Spirit Reaper

    1x Marshmellon

    1x Sangan

    Magic (18)

    2x Card of Safe Return

    3x Foolish Burial

    3x Upstart Goblin

    3x Reload

    3x Magical Mallet

    3x Hand Destruction

    Trap (6)

    3x Jar of Greed

    3x Solemn Judgement

    The point of this deck is to draw all your cards in one turn. When you have "card of safe return" on the field and you sent "manicore of darkness" to grave to summon the other one out of the graveyard you get to draw a card, then you can send the one that was just summoned to the grave, to summon the one sent to summon the last. this goes on forever and everytime you do this you can draw a card because of "card of safe return". keep doing this until get all the Exodia Pieces and you win the game!

    Foolish burial will help you get Manticore in the grave.

    Emissary will help get Exodia pieces

    Solemn will stop your oponent from messing up your combo

    and most the other cards help you draw Life Points is not important in this deck drawing all your cards is.

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