
Can you give me a nice tag line to encourage the students to join my english club?

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Can you give me a nice tag line to encourage the students to join my english club?




  1. Join or else...

  2. If you can't read need to join the English Club!

  3. here use this  haha   A child comes home from his first day at school. His Mother asks, "Well, what did you learn today?"

        The kid replies, "Not enough. They want me to come back tomorrow."

  4. Come and discuss english!

    List the things you will be doing.

  5. Today's club is brought to you by the letter "E."  ;-)

  6. If the English language made any sense, a catastrophe would be an apostrophe with fur.

  7. Words rule.

    Books rule.

    Reading rules.


  8. Not reading is for idiots? hmm that is kinda catchy.

  9. Hubba Hubba English Club

  10. reading and talking are things you can do at home, join us to discuss them

    :) hope it helped

  11. Ok, here's a few ideas:

    1. Joyn "R" klub an u kan lurn gud Inglesh two!

    2. Rule #1: Don't talk about English Club.  Rule #2...

    3.  No Math involved!

    4.  Would you rather be in ze French Club, maybe?

    5.  Free Beer at the first annual meeting of the English Club!

         (then in real small text: to the first 6 attendees over the

         age of 21.)

    6.  Lets face it:  You need something for your college    

         application, and heck - you already know the language!

    7.  "...and if his chest would have been a cannon, he would

          have shot his heart upon it..." (Attractive to the video

          game crowd.)

    8.  Come on!  Get your picture in the yearbook... again!

    9.  Chicks dig poetry!

    10. Don't get pansed again!  A great place to hide from

           bullies during lunchtime!

    (Ok, that was fun.. come on, add some of your own!)

  12. -'English'- It's what you use when Spanish fails you.

    -It's either English or Old English, and thou are not Shakespere, so go with the former.

    -English > You, come here to learn its weakness.

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