
Can you give me a summary about national monarchy?

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Also include the History




  1. As a general rule, every major nation on the surface of this earth has a royal family. Hamite nations generally don't, because Nimrod wanted his people to follow or worship/and obey him. Yet, in today's day, Hamite nations do have a sovereign. This is the quickest summary of national monarchy.

    Most of what is known about monarchs would be from the European monarchy system as other people in the non-English speaking and non-Christian world were not considered human by the Europeans of today.

    Added: What's different about China, an Asian and Hamitic nation, is that it has a paternal Hebrew monarchy and a Hebrew-Hamite origin and history.

  2. And if I do all that, will you tell me what grade I receive when the teacher has marked it for me?

  3. read wikipedia on line

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