
Can you give me a trivia about south korea? one who can aswer can get 10 pts.?

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  1. Korea was freed from Japanese control in 1945 at the end of World War II. After the war it was divided into two zones of occupation, Soviet in the north and U.S. in the south; the two republics were established in 1948.

    Supporters of each side claim the other started the Korean War, and their claims are virtually impossible to prove. Regardless, both governments considered themselves lawful governments of all Korea. North Korean troops seemed better prepared. They poured across the 38th parallel, nearly driving the South Korean Government (which had already been weakened by guerrilla fighting) into the sea.

    The U.S. got United Nations' sanction--a Security Council resolution, in Soviet absence--to intervene. It landed troops and began a heavy bombing campaign. The U.S. drove North Korean military forces back to the Chinese border. At that point Chinese "volunteer" troops intervened in support of the North Koreans, fighting the U.S. back down to the 38th parallel. After long truce negotiations, the 2 sides agreed to an armistice in 1953.

    The U.S. spent as much as $80 billion on the Korean conflict, losing 54,246 men. The war was more costly for the Koreans, especially in the north. U.S. bombers destroyed virtually every building in the Democratic People's Republic.

    Kim Il Sung was an important independence leader, and he has led North Korea since independence. But the government campaign to glorify his thoughts and actions is incredible. His name is always preceded with titles such as "Beloved and Respected Leader, Comrade" and his pictures (and statues) are posted prominently throughout North Korea, and may even be found at the bottom of soup dishes.

    South Korea's armed forces, now numbering over 630,000 men, have been subsidized by the U.S. since their inception, for a total of $5 billion in loans and grants. The U.S. currently has 42,000 troops stationed in Korea.

    Under martial law President Park has outlawed all opposition to the Government. Under his emergency decrees, suspected critics can be arrested without warrants and imprisoned without trial.

    The Korean CIA has a network which not only spies on the activities of people within South Korea, but keeps tab on Koreans abroad. In 1973 it kidnapped Kim Dae Jung, Park's 1971 presidential opponent, while Kim was in Japan, and then smuggled him into Korea.

    In late 1973 large student demonstrations and a national petition with hundreds of thousands of signatures called for democracy. Park's regime responded with repression, arresting hundreds of students, journalists, churchmen, and others.

    Anticommunist evangelical Protestants, including the Reverend Sun Myung Moon's Genri Undo sect, are important backers of the Park regime. They have been subsidized by the ROK Government and right-wing U.S. evangelical organizations. The U.S. based Campus Crusade for Christ staged its "Explo '74" evangelical student congress in South Korea, drawing several hundred thousand believers.

    © 1975 - 1981 by David Wallechinsky & Irving Wallace

    Reproduced with permission from "The People's Almanac" series of books.

    All rights reserved.


  2. What year did the Korean war end? Answer: It hasn't ended. They have agreeded to a cease fire, but the war is still on and US troops are still there guarding the border.

  3. How about some historical, but true "trivia" for your question?

    Which nation invented the first Ironclad Vessel?

    If you believe that during the American Civil War it was either the United States of America, or the Confederate States of America, you are wrong.

    The below link will provide information on the first Ironclad Vessel invented;  it happened when Korea was still one nation.

    Here is an informative link for the Turtle Ship, giving some history.

    Which country printed the first book with moveable type?

    If you believe it was Germany and the Gutenberg Bible, you are wrong.

    Within the past couple years, it has been discovered, although not widely known (yet), that Korea also invented/published the first all-metal type printing of a book. Although there is no "impact" upon the world yet, just give it a couple years; results should be forthcoming.

    This book was printed o/a 78 years before the famed Gutenberg Bible.

    A link is also provided for your informational purposes.

  4. what caused korea to split into north and south?

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