
Can you give me advice on how to track ovulation while TTC?

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I finally started getting a regular cycle again after taking depo (boo!)... I saw my OBGYN, and he gave me the green light to TTC a baby. With my twin boys we just got lucky, but this time I'd like to track my ovulation, and utilize our best chance days every month. I have never done it before though - So can anyone give me any advice, or websites I can go to that would help me learn to chart my days? Thanks :)




  1. is a good site as well as

  2. Personally, I used an ovulation predictor kit (Clearblue Easy was very accurate).  I know alot of women do the charting and temp changes, but that just seemed way too complicated for me.  I'd rather pee on a stick and be told if it was an O day or not!!

  3. I tried an ovulation predictor kit but it was expensive and didn't work for me as it told me I was ovulating, no matter when in my cycle I tested.  They work for some people but others, like me, have naturally high levels of LH, although not high enough to affect fertility, which confuses the test.

    A simple way is to take your temperature every morning with a digital basal body thermometer.  You can clearly see the rise when ovulation takes place.  However, there is a major drawback - ovulation has already taken place when the temp rises, so you could be too late.  However, if your cycle is very regular, you can use the information gathered over a couple of months to be ready the following month for the fertile days.  

    But I think you are better to rely on "getting lucky" again.  Just increasing the frequency of s*x greatly reduces the time that a couple have to try for a baby.  Certainly, tracking fertile days never worked for me.  I got pregnant as soon as I gave up and just went for frequency.  Good luck.

  4. I agree. Get the ovulation predictor kit. Works like a charm for me. It can also help you see if you have problems. Thanks to the OV test, I found out I'm ovulating late and I skipped 6 frustrating months of trying for nothing. The dr. put me on clomid.

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