
Can you give me an example of a current social movement?

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Can you give me an example of a current social movement?




  1. A current social movement would be the growing trend to be healthy,live healthy and to eat healthy.If you look at it more and more people are starting to live more healthier nowadays and are also concerned about their health and well being.This is a GROWING trend.I put the emphasis on 'growing' because we still have a lot of people who still eat fast foods but this trend is no longer growing although it is still dominating.People are starting to watch what they eat,look at the calories before they buy food they even look at the Glycaemic Indices of the foods they buy and even differentiate between healthy fats and unhealthy fats.

  2. Environmental/Green

  3. Civil Rights Movements, Anti-AIDs Activism, Disability Rights Movements,  Movements for Global Justice, Labor Movements,  

    g*y/L*****n/Bi/Trans/q***r Movements, Anti-Nuclear Movements.

    Search the web with any of those terms and you will get plenty of information.

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