
Can you give me any advice about folic acid?

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I have been advised by a friend and many people on yahoo to take folic acid as this maximises chances of conceiving,Can you buy this over the counter or is it just by prescription by my doctor?

Also i was just wondering what it actually does to increase the chances of conceiving?

Many thanks

Good luck to all that are trying to conceive!

Congrates to all who are pregnant!:D




  1. I don't think it actually increases the chance of conceiving, it's more to do with making sure you conceive a healthy baby and keep it healthy!

    You're meant to just take it for the first twelve weeks of actual pregnancy. folic acid is very important for the development of a healthy foetus, as it can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs), such as spina bifida. It is also known as vitamin B9.

    You can get vitamin B9 from eating green, leafy vegetables, breakfast cereals and granary bread but to get enough of it, you need to take a supplement.

    And you can buy it from health food shops and some supermarkets as well as getting it from the doctor or chemist!


  2. it does not help you conceive, but it reduces the chances of baby having spinal problems like spina bifada. take from 3 monthsbeforee ttc or as soon as possible.

  3. Folic Acid can be bought at walmart for $2.43. you get 250 of 800 mcg. Now the reason why I take 5 ~ 800 mcg a day plus my pn vit. is because I do not absorb it. So I have to over load my body to absorb it And the only way I found that out was I took a test called RPL because my daughter died from a blood clot in her cord at 19 weeks... If you want to check to see if you have any disorders or anything else take this test. its worth it

    Taken any extra Folic acid is safe because what ever you don't absorb you pee out..... That's what my high risk doctor said...

    However when I was pregnant with my other 2 children I didn't take extra and they are very healthy children... so its up to you ...

    here is the link for info about the test  

  4. you can buy it at most drug stores it is a bit like a vitamin supplement. im not really sure what it does but i know that it is supposed to be good for during pregnancy also! good luck!

  5. folicc acid can be taking so that you are ready for a baby also advised to take during the first 12 weeks but the first answer is so not true as i am allergic to folic acid so can not take it and i have three healthy boys good luck with trying hun baby dust

  6. Not terribly sure that it's helpful with conception. It just really good to have healthy levels as to prevent spina bifida and other spinal deformities. Taking it at least three months before conception is best - and continue right through pregnancy and breastfeeding.

  7. hi... we are on the same dilemma right now. i am also waiting for my "angel" to come.. i really wanna have a baby but i keep on thinking that, if God really wants to give me this blessing, He will give me on His own time. We really can't predict when, but how i wish we could!. don't worry sister, just pray and pray and pray.. God hears what's on our hearts and He will answer our deepest desires when the time is right.. just keep the faith and never lose hope ok?.. goodluck to us! =)

  8. It doesn't affect conception.  But it does help prevent the baby from getting spina bifida during its early bone-forming weeks.  Spina bifida is a split spine and could result in a very disabled baby or a miscarriage.

    You take it before conception if possible and during the first 3 months of pregnancy.  If you take it before you conceive you'll build up some immunity to pass to your baby.

    Good luck!

  9. If your trying for a baby, get on the pregnancy vitamins :)

    They have a safe amount of folic acid in them, and should actually be taken prior to pregnancy ans throughout the 9 months (and breast feeding :)

    Baby dust hun :)

  10. yes dear folic acid is very essential for human body....its a water soluble vitamin b9 is essential for normal prod and maintenance of new cells.......u can read a lot abt this on yes it is a OTC  drug

  11. It does NOT improve your chances of conceiving! It is however very important for the development of the fetus in early stages of pregnancy.

    Good luck!!

  12. Folic acid is so the baby is not deformed, it is essential to its development not your conception.

  13. u can buy folic acid tablets from boots or local supermarket etc!

    ive heard some people say it helped them but i suppose each person is different but good luck x

  14. I agree I dont think it increases the chance of concieving but the more your body has stored the less likely of a neural tube defect in the baby when u DO concieve.

    I would opt for a multivitamin formulated for conception, pregnancy & breastfeeding  such as Pregnacare. It will ensure you have the perfect amounts of vitamins/minerals etc for conception therefore will be more useful in your situation. They also contain the exact amount of folic acid you require too so u get the best of both worlds! You can buy these in any chemist, health food shop or even supermarket.

    Also, has yr partner tried taking zinc supplements (available from health food shops & Boots) It will increase the amount of sperm he creates & increases testosterone levels, it has been helpful to 2 of my friends who were trying to concieve (if you take a multivit that is suitable for conception it will contain the correct amount of zinc for you anyway so only yr man needs to take it)

    I have included a link stating zinc's benefits to fertility (4th paragraph)

    Good luck & baby dust to you xxxxx

  15. Ive discussed this with my doctor today because decided a couple of weeks ago to start trying. Doctor advised to start taking straight away and continue for first 3 months of pregnancy as it keeps baby healthy and prevents spina bifida.

    I bought it from the chemist for £2.50 for 90 tablets and the bottle advises to take one a day and provides 400mg which is 200% of the rda.

    Good luck and lots of baby dust to all of us ttc!

  16. Just taking it 3 months before increases the chances of having a healthy baby.  Folic acid is taken so that the baby doesn't have spinal problems like spina bifeda.  You can buy it over the counter from any boots, tesco or superdrugs.  You'll need the 400micro grams tablets. Good luck

  17. You can buy it over the counter in chemists. It is good it prepares your body for pregnancy. You should take it for at least 3 months before the pregnancy and continue to take it until you are 3 months pregnant. It also helps prevent spina biffida in babies in the early months of pregnancy.

  18. You take folic acid before pregnancy on the most part to prevent neural tube defects, such as spinal bifida, cleft palate, etc. in your child.

    They add it to many foods these days to prevent birth defects, since alot of women have no concern for their nutritional levels at the time of conception.

    Over the past twenty years, fertility problems have increased dramatically. At least 25 percent of couples planning a baby will have trouble conceiving, and more and more couples are turning to fertility treatments to help them have a family.

  19. they say to take folic acid when you are trying which will be only good for the babys growth. good luck :) x

  20. look in the vitamin aisle at Wal-greens you will find it

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