
Can you give me art ideas?

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I need art ideas or lessons!! PLEASE!!!!




  1. take a thread one feet long or so.dip in any the thread in any note book or b'ween two papers ,press tightly and pull the thread.u get two identical revesed designs of dofferent shapes on the paper.then just have little touches with brush imagining there shape .thay may b close to flowers etc..if u wish u repeat on the same pages with another thread of different can place 2/3 threads simultaneously with different/same is the limit for u r designs..this is 1st lesson

  2. Draw [or paint, or whatever your medium of choice] a surreal landscape.

  3. have then close their eyes and put on some current music, have their hand (with marker) just flow all over the page. when the song is over- not tooo long- they have to fill in all those spaces with their favorite colors and line the lines in with paint. makes a nice geographic peice. that's what I remember most about HS. another one is for you to stand in front of the class and say curve, straight, zigzag and they have to follow your commands on the paper. then they have to makesomething out of all the mess they just made. pretty neat, here is a website that will probibly help you out more.

  4. this one might be hard but very cool in an artistic way, remember the scene in the excorcist where the priest looks up into the house from outside at night, you can see his breath in the air, light shining from the bedroom window, hes cold, and also standing in the same spot where he will die, That one scene has a lot of meaning!

  5. Make random designs laying yarn onto paper. Glue it down. Paint it and add bits of tissue paper or other odds and ends for added texture.

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