
Can you give me ideas for preschool class performance on their graduation?

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Can you give me ideas for preschool class performance on their graduation?




  1. I have enjoyed having the children decide which songs to sing and rhymes to say for their parents on the last day of school. They also welcome their parents in unison and thank them for coming as a group. Since the children already know the songs and rhymes we practice maybe three times before the fun day. That part of the performance lasts about five minutes. Then we hand out certificates of participation in the four year old class and a book of photos taken over the year. Snack and juice are also served.

  2. I dressed them "professionally". Teachers, lawyers (complete with briefcase), librarian (with glasses), doctors, nurses, policemen, firemen. And a song about the future.

  3. We did a song in sign language that was very well received - the kids latch on to sign very quickly.  We also have a dance instructor who comes in twice a month to do "Fun and Fitness" with our classes so she teaches them a more professional song to do.  Then we just pass our diplomas and have a picnic.  You don't want to  have too long of a performance for preschoolers - those things are for the parents, not the children so keep the time in mind.  Two songs are plenty, go back to their parents and call them up for their certificate or diploma.

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