
Can you give me info about starting a non-prof for kids with the use of alternative medicine??

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Hello. For as long as I can remember, I have felt a special connection with children. With this connection came an undeniable urge to help kids around the world discover the possibilities they haven't yet recieved in education and health care. I realize that starting a non-profit is a big deal, which is why I want to get input from those of you out there who know more then me. I live in a wealthy town and work at a radio station which opens up my abilities to reach caring people who could donate. I would love the chance to travel the world while making a difference in the lives of little ones who deserve a better life. I'm well aware that there are already more then 1.4 million nonprofits in the nation, which is why I'd like to consider starting one that is new, innovative, and produces the results that will make a difference in the world. I am considering pairing up with a group of people that specialize in Holistic Medicine to help with healthcare for children. Please help me!




  1. The Nonprofit FAQs (, now hosted at IdeaList, will give you information on all the paperwork you will need to file and administrative tasks you will have to go through in order to form a nonprofit. There are also tips on recruiting a board of directors.

    You need to get a very impassioned group of people together who support your idea, you need to get letters of endorsement from existing organizations saying this program is needed, and you need to have data that shows your target group is in need whatever service it is that you want to provide and that they are not served otherwise.

    Then, you will have to recruit a board of directors, who should donate seed money to get the organization started, as well as seek additional funds; draft a detailed budget for at least your first year of operations; and draft a detailed business plan to show to potential funders on how you will provide services for the first five year of operations.

    And then there's all the government paperwork... but don't bother with that until you do all of the aforementioned. And if you can't do all of the aforementioned, then it's time to think about ways you can contribute your time and energy as a part of existing efforts.

  2. You should research Doctors without boarders. Its a group of doctors and nurses that travel around the world providing health care. Good luck

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