
Can you give me more reasons why a Blackbird is a bad beginner bike?

by Guest44650  |  earlier

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Okay, this 18 year old kid in high school pulls up to Lacross practice on a 1998 Honda Blackbird. He starts ranting about it's the fastest thing ever and 600cc's are p*ssy bikes. Keep in mind this is his first bike ever, and hes wearing a sweatshirt for riding gear. thats it.

my brain was overwhelmed when I heard this.

what are your opinions?? Does he not know that a 2008 600cc bike will beat a 2000 1000cc bike now?





  1. it's a bad bike for a beginner because he will immediately turn squid.... look what happened to magz

  2. That kid probably has a lot more money than most. He thinks when you get something it should be the best of all of them. Thats my guess and yess a 600cc will beat a 1000cc sometimes but on the long stretch no.

  3. "18 year old kid" pretty much says all that needs to be said.

  4. 2 Things

    1 He is 18 and anything he has is the best

    2 Listen to Mag he is our Quackbird expert

  5. too much to say...

    1. the 'Bird is an all purpose machine, not a "race bike"...(I ride an '01). It's made to take on longer trips, yet still maintain the performance/acceleration... If you rode it for an hour, you'd feel a whole lot better than if you rode a fireblade for an hour...

    2. it'll still beat today's 600's but it's a lot closer than he would think...1100 cc's is still substantial, and over 130 HP bone stock is nothing to sneeze at

    3. the rider counts more than the bike...usually...he's still got way more top end than today's 600's (easily over 180 mph)

    'Birds are rare here in the gotta give some points for originality

    it's heavy compared to 600's, and he's more likely to drop it if he looses footing...500lbs can get off balance quickly..

    if you don't shim the rear shock mount, it's not as agile as it could be...

    and replacing the CCT lifter set every 3000 miles get's to be kind of annoying, but for $30 and 2 socket head cap screws, it's no big deal...

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