
Can you give me some advice on planning a solo trip to ITALY?

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I want to go for two weeks in May or June and I have a projected budget of $6,000.




  1. Book the cheapest hotel you can, even bed & breakfast, when people go on holiday they normally blow most of their budget on the accomodation.

    However in Italy there is so much to see during the day and even more to see at night so the only time you'd actually spend in your room, is to sleep, and by the time you get back after a night out in Italy, you honestly wouldn't care where you slept.

    As for where to go there is no Number 1.

    Each city has its own elegance, charisma and people and everyone friendly, and being a women alone in italy, you will not be left alone by men, if you need a confidence boost, well you'll definatly get one ;)

  2. I have been both by myself and driven around and on an organized tour and saw different things both ways.  I really do think that an organized tour through Trafalgar or somewhere similar is great for the first time.  (I actually met my wife on that tour)  It helps overcome the language barrier and you get to see things you may not otherwise see and have some great experiences.  

    Also, you're travel and accomodation is taken care of and you have people to share the experience with.  You can end up with a lor of new friends on these tours.

  3. Hello,

    When you say solo, are you talking about just one person alone or solo as in "not with a guide or group"?  Either way here are a few of the things I have learned on my many trips to Rome.  

    First off-  find a deal on airfare.  This might be hard but keep trying.  You might be able to find something for less than 800 if you are lucky.  Once you get to the airport, there are several ways to get into the city.  There is an express train (the leonardo express) that will cost about 12 euros and take you to the main termini station in Rome.  From there you can walk or take a cab to your hotel.  You can take a cab directly to your hotel from the airport for about 40 euros.  The only problem with this is that you must be wary of unlicensed drivers.  They will try to overcharge you.  Just take a taxi from the taxi rank and you should be fine.  The last alternative is to hire a driver.  This will cost between 45 and 55 euros depending on who you choose.  I use  They charge 55 euros and take me directly to my hotel and load and unload all my luggage for me.  

    The next issue will be where to stay.  You can try for hotels around Rome and the rest of Italy.  In Rome any area in the walls will put you close to the sites.  The area around the termini station will be the least expensive while the areas around the colosseum, pantheon and piazza navona will be more expensive.  You can get a room for around 70 euros a night that will be nice or you can spend a little more and have a nicer room that is closer to the main sights.  Make sure you check to see if they have air conditioning.  Some of the smaller, cheaper hotels don't.  

    Once you get the hotel straightened out you can decide on what to see.  The colosseum/palatine hill, baths of caracalla, castel san angelo and museums will all charge an entrance fee.  This includes the vatican museums.  The charge is usually less than 15 euros each.  The other sites in Rome are free.  There is a metro with two lines that can take you close to most of the attractions, but walking is better.  You will get to see so much  more of the city and the sites are close to each other any way, so why bother with the metro.  

    Now we get to food.  You can find food anywhere, but if you go a block or two away from the main sites, you will be able to find nice family restaurants where the locals eat.  This food is much better and costs less.  Just look around for menus not in English or without pictures.  These are the places to eat at.  

    Some websites to check out are, from airport, of information on Italy and Rome, train schedules, tickets, costs.  These sites will help you with most of the things you need.  

    If you are going to places other than Rome, most of the above info still works.  The eating tips are the same for any city.   You can find a room in most towns by checking out  The train will take you to most cities and it is very inexpensive to use.   Getting to your hotel if you fly into a city other than Rome may require different options than I have listed but, generally, the choice is still the same.  

    6,000 is a very good budget for going to Italy.  You should have no problems on the money side.  Just remember to take a money belt, and only carry small amounts of cash on you.  Use the ATM to withdraw money as you need it.  Beware of your surroundings at all times, Italy is full of pickpockets.  Dress appropriately for churches, cover you shoulders and your knees.  Book tours of the vatican and Borghese gallery in advance.  

    You should have a wonderful time, Donna

  4. I'm with Eggplant. You don't vacation to see Italy you go to Italy to live it, feel it, smell it and taste it. Italy has an exceptional mass-transit system...use it. You will know your at a good restaurant when the menu is ......Meat , pasta, fish. You don't need to know anything more. Whatever the meat is it will be fresh and taste great, whatever pasta it is will be wonderful and whatever fish it is you can bet was caught that morning. Drink local wines and all you have to worry about is solving the question.......Why the h**l am I living in the US ?

  5. I was born in Italy and came to the US when I was 3.  I return every couple of years and usually take someone with me.  I stay with relatives.  My best advise would be to learn the language as best you can.  It will be a tremendous plus for you while you're there.

  6. Hi!

    I have been wanting to go to Italy for a looong time and I finally have my trip planned for 2009.

    I decided to attend a language school in Rome for a month.

    This means:

    a) Extremely CHEAP accommmodation. (600 euro for a month).

    b) You get to learn Italian in Italy and use it outside of class.

    c) You makes heaps of friends.

    d) You can sight-see Rome with the language school (optional).

    e) You have class for only half a day and can spend the rest of the time doing whatever you want.

    There are heaps of language schools all over Italy. You can check them all out at:

  7.  will answer all your questions.. where to stay,, what to do.. easy to use.. etc.  GOOD LUCK! and Have Fun!

  8. I went to Italy alone for three weeks and didn't spend even close to what you have budgeted for two weeks. With that kind of money you can do just about anything. I personally prefer to keep it simple-it brings you closer to the Italians and further away from the tourist madness. Just get a hotel for your first night and then wing it-that way you get to stay where you want and as long, or as short, as you want. I suggest you intersperse the cities with small towns. Take the trains. And do a lot of walking-get lost on some of those ancient narrow paths and you will discover the magic of Italy!

  9. A tour would be your best bet due to traveling alone anywhere is unsafe. a travel agency could get you a good deal. If you are traveling from the states you might also consider that Travel agencies in Europe are far more less expensive than in the states .... ie. state side you might find a tour for 2500 to 4000 dollars which is a fair price, but in Europe (I live in Germany) you could find a tour for 699 euro, which is about 1200 dollars. plus your round trip airfare would total to approximately 2000 to 2500 dollars (depending on the airfare). all that depends to on how long you plan on staying and what kind tour you want to go on; they range anywhere from three days to one week for most tours. If you have a close relation in the Military the military family member can also get you some good deals which would make the trip and stay far less expensive. Hope this helped some what. if you need information on travel agencies in Europe feel free to drop me a line and I'll hook you up. Have a great trip!

  10. Ciao!

    If you are going to come here in Italy alone, check this site: . There you can find many people who can host you and/or show you their cities.

    Since there are many places you could visit here, maybe you can meet some friendly people on that site and ask them an advice...

    CouchSurfing is a traveller community where people offer themselves to show to the other traveller best places that maybe you couldn't find in a book :-)

    I hope it helps you...

    Ciao ciao...

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