
Can you give me some details about Planet Nibiru?

by Guest59499  |  earlier

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It's my first time to hear that planet. I've seen on youtube.




  1. Go to the NASA website, enter Nubiru in the search field. This will give you all the reliable information on the planet Nubiru. That is, none.

    Nubiru was an ancient name for Jupiter.

  2. people are saying bla bla bla bla youtube NO! but before i found out it was on youtube and now alot of people dont know but nasa said nibiru is real i dont think they would lie about a planet


  3. Nibiru was the invention of a fraudulent scholar called Zecharia Sitchin based on the old Babylonian name for the planet we call Jupiter. Nibiru, otherwise Nippur or Marduk was probably the main god in the Babylonian pantheon.  

    Sitchin claimed that this planet has a 3600 year orbit round the Sun and is inhabited by beings who invaded Earth when the planet was nearby, enslaving humans to mine gold for them. This is supposed to happen again soon. Now the old Babylonians and Assyrians kept pretty good records and there is no mention of that in their time, around 1600BC. That's the story as I understand it, others may have a different version.

    The supposed planet X that is predicted to enter the inner solar system and do a lot of damage in 2012 is also complete nonsense. It was origninally a separate fraud from Nibiru. The arrival of this planet was predicted for 2003 by a woman who claims to be in telepathic contact with aliens on Zeta Reticuli. There is a site called "zetatalk" with a lot of her drivellings on it. If you search the word you will also find postings or blogs from disgruntled ex-followers of hers.

    Well it's pretty clear that it didn't arrive. So the frauds and fools who promote the 2012 hoax have put this nonsense on the 2012 bandwagon.

    It seems that the late Z. Sitchin disagreed with the planet X loony, but the hoaxers ignore that and seem to assume that Nibiru and planet X are the same thing. Perhaps two invading planets coming in the same decade are one too many for even the most credulous to swallow.

    Some idiots say that the reason that astronomers have not seen these approaching planets of doom is that they are coming from the south. The fact that there are large astronomical telescopes in Australia, Chile, New Zealand and South Africa is something they would prefer to ignore, I expect.

    Psychologists and psychiatrists could be having a wonderful time with this but as far as I know they have ignored or know nothing of the whole slew of superstition and fraud.

  4. There is no planet called Nibiru.

  5. The planet "Nibiru" doesn't exist. Well, it is another name for Jupiter, and Jupiter does exist. But the supposed brown dwarf named Nibiru is fake.

    YouTube is full of awful videos that are nothing more than compiled videos of flawed logic and misleading information.

    Don't trust anything on youtube. I've studied astronomy for 5 years... these people probably don't know the difference between astrology and astronomy.

    If Nibiru was a brown dwarf, we would have either observed it, or detected it by now. It is also impossible for any object to have a 3600 year orbit around the sun. Pluto's orbit is only a couple hundred years, and the sun can barely hold onto that as it is. And if the planet was had a 3600 year orbit, and it passes directly in front of Earth every 3600 years, there would have been many documents and scribes of the planet's passing... in which they are none. Probably because it is imaginary.

  6. Youtube is about as reliable a repository of information as the walls in a public lavatory, i.e. not very reliable at all. Nibiru is load of complete nonsense, as are the Annunaki and all the other tripe that accompanies that story.

  7. There is no planet Nibiru!

  8. Planet X/Nibiru does not exist. If it did we would have found it by now. We have mapped the sky in the infrared several times in the last 25 years (including WMAP, IRAS etc), and it would show up. It is not there. We would have found it if it existed. So all the nonsense about the return of Nibiru/Planet X is just that – nonsense

    There is no scientific evidence for the existence of Nibiru

    Furthermore, at the distance it must be to hit us in a little over 4 years, it would be reflecting enough light from the sun to be detectable.

    Thanx to previous question from Brant and answer from bikenbeer2000, we know how bright it should be by now – it would have a apparent magnitude of 7.4 – which would not be visible with the naked eye – but easily visible in a modest telescope and would have been spotted by amateur. If there was a conspiracy to keep it quiet – it would be out of the bag by now.

    Ask someone where it is supposed to be, get a pair of binoculars and look for it.

    The videos on YouTube that purport to have evidence are disingenuous to say the least. They put together pictures of other objects (e.g. Jupiter, comets even a dust shell around a distant red giant star) and try to scare people. There is no validity to their claims. They present NO EVIDENCE at all.

  9. The most important detail I can give you is that it doesn't exist. YouTube is not a reliable source of scientific information.

  10. Wow, you saw it on youtube...therefore, it must be true. Wow. Don't be gullible or silly.

    There is no such planet. There never was such a planet. It is a scam.



  11. nibiru doesn't exist but youtube doe have some good information too the BBC the science chanel and national geographic stuff it not all good or all rubbish

  12. The most importanrt detail is that it doesn't exist.

    Any old rubbish can be posted on YouTube. Don't use it as a reliable source of information.

  13. Nibiru is one of the largest and fastest of the imaginary planets.

    It follows an irregular orbit that can best be described as sneaky.  It spends most of it's time hiding behind other planets, and pulls out to pass infrequently.

    If you'd like to see this planet, you might try throwing away some playing cards, and drinking heavily.  Nibiru has never been observed by anyone who was sober and playing with a full deck.  

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