
Can you give me some examples of power problems? ?

by Guest67075  |  earlier

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Can you give me some examples of power problems? ?




  1. 1) Sam and alex have the same mass(60kg).sam takes 10 seconds to walk up flight of stairs (20 meter vertically) while Alex needs 20 seconds.

      Calculate the power generated by Sam and Alex.



    sam = 12000W

    alex  = 600W

  2. Power is the energy generated or consumed in your defined period of time,calory/second, ,jouls/sec(watts,) they are interchangable.

  3. The Oil Industry

    The Hydro Industry


    they all have power problems over our world :)


  4. please provide some more details.

    will be glad to help!


  5. power = work / time (joules per second)

    when you lift a 1kg bag up to put it on ur 2 metre high shelf over 2 seconds -

    work = f * d = 1 * 9.8 * 2 = 19.6 joules

    work = 1 kg * gravity * 2 seconds = 19.6 joules

    power = 19.6 / 2 = 9.8 watts

    power = 19.6 / 4 = 4.9 watts

    over a longer time youre doing the same amount of work but using less power.

    when your car engine revs higher, its doing more work (converting chemical to mechanical energy) therefore you go quicker.

    another formula for power = force * velocity

    i.e P = FV

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