
Can you give me some good vegetarian recpies?

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I'm a new to this and I really need some help! I just tried tofu, and I can't stomach it. I have no idea of how to cook it or what to put it in. Also, my family isn't into this. So I would appriciate some recipes for one person. Thanks!




  1. try these sites.  they have lots of good recipes.

  2. I'm not a tofu person either.  I tried and tried but I just dont like it.    

    You can make bean chili, whole wheat pasta with sauce, quinoa pilaf, veggie stir fry, pasta salad with veggies, noodles with peanut sauce, veggie lasagna etc. The list is huge.  Offer to make dinner a few nights a week and try recipes for the whole family!  Surely they are not that closed minded to insist on meat at every meal.

  3. Tofu is touchy, especially when you are learning how to first cook it, and I am in the same position except it's my kids and husband whom I can't get to eat it.  The first trick is learning how to drain it properly.  This can take an hour or two if you really like it firm.  Place some papertowels under it, and on top and find a good heavy pot to place on top to squeeze any excess water out.  Experiment with it.  I really like it grilled which is pretty much the only way I myself can stomach it for salads and stir frys.

    For vegan meals I pretty much keep to the heart healthy low-sodium diet.  Beans and rice is really filling and full of protien.  Garbonzos, or chick peas are really good full of calcium and iron.  These you can place in a salad or add to a soup or stew.  I also make simple italian style stir frys with zuchinni and egg plant with the tomatoes, garlic and onions.  My personal favorite is one that I learned from my Mom that she found during a particulary financially hard time.  If you are cooking for one you'll obviously have to cut back on the ingrediants, lol!  We had and have six kids to feed, LOL!

    3 Yellow Squash

    2 Zuchinni

    1 Lrg. Can of Whole Tomatoes drained and sliced (canned tomatoes actually have better nutritional value)

    1 small Onion

    2 Tbsps. of minced Garlic

    1 tsp. of Italian Seasoning

    1/4 tsp. of Crushed Red Pepper


    3/4 c. of a Low-fat Italian Dressing

    Roast in oven (preferbly a cast iron skillet gives a better flavor) under aluminum foil at 350 for 45 mins.  Serve of noodles.

    I have found that a lot of pasta dishes made with low-fat in mind are especially filling and healthy when combined with veggies.  I also use monzarella cheese a lot as a meat substiture also.  For me it's been a bit touch and go, because I am the only one who really has the tendency to cut meat from daily meals although I have gotten the whole family in the habit, especially during the summer time when appetiates drop anyway.  I'll even sub wheat germ in a homemade smoothie for the protien, or in a "Beef Stew," occasionally.

    Check out your local library for cookbooks, and try google also.  Somewhere on the AHA website they do have a section of recipes that are in the category that you are looking at and in a lot of recipes it is sometimes really easy to cut out the meat and add a type of bean in place.  Research is all I can say, and experiment.

  4. try this site:

  5. Try all sorts of vegetables for your salads. That should be vegetarian alright.;D

    Seriously try :-

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