
Can you give me some help in rebutting the ridiculous statement "That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger"

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Can you give me some help in rebutting the ridiculous statement "That which doesn't kill me makes me stronger"




  1. Paralyzed in accident from the neck down.  Massive brain damage.  Stronger, nope. Killed you, nope.

  2. Smoking.

  3. lose your limbs

  4. It's actually not a ridiculous statement when the context is not that of seriously physical injuries or maltreatment.  Think about what happens when you get learn something about the next guy you will want to date.  Think about when you fall down and then get back up.  Even when you break a bone, the bone that heals around the injured area becomes stronger than the rest of the bone.  The word "stronger" isn't necessarily referring to how much you can lift, or how far you can's about self growth and maturing.  Things in life that don't go your way are excellent opportunites to better yourself.

    My guess is that you are talking about a situation where words were used or something...there are a few contexts where the statement can't be seen as true, if you want an answer that coincides with what you're talking about, you might need to be more specific

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