
Can you give me some information

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Hi I know this is still to young to even be thinking about this but i'm really interested in going into the medical Field. I wanna be a surgeon or a doctor in a large hospital for transplants etc.That's just always interested me I love working with people. I know i'm young and I have plenty more years to think but is a medical Field a good thing to be looking at? Please just give me some information cause i'm really interested in something like that.




  1. thats a great career, my uncle is a surgeon and he makes ALOT of money. plus he seems happy to help people. its even better that your young, if its something youve always loved then dont worry about, pursue your dreams. although that career is very hard and takes alot of time to complete. but if you have the determination then go for it, even if theres people that will try to bring you down, just stay strong. Good Luck!

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