
Can you give me some inspirational words against this particular verbal attack?

by  |  earlier

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I love my mom but she keep putting my new goal down. Its to better my appearance and be more outgoing with it instead of plain Jane. I want to have creative hairstyles and dress uniquely and nicely, but my mom thinks I will fall back to old habits of not caring how I look. Not that I care too much I just want to be a more approachable person.

She thinks this won't happen, so what can I do tp fight against her smug attacks when buying new stuff and going to get my hair done? She always RIGHT there dissing me :(




  1. this happens a lot with my friends, cruel mothers..

    just keep in mind that your doing this for YOU, because you want to improve your confidence in yourself.

    if you think you can get away with it,guilt trip her, make her feel bad about her making you feel bad

  2. This may not be possible, but don't go with her shopping or other similar activities.


    Otherwise tell her how that you feel like she's putting you down and how you feel about that.

    Or drop hints madly if thats more your style.

  3. Just wait and prove her wrong. :D Wish you the best of luck.

  4. Just ask your mom to support you.  She's your mom; that's her job.  If you want to change your look, then change it.  Ask her if you can get your hair colored or cut and ask her to take you shopping.  If she continues to make you feel down about your goal, tell her this is what you want to do and that's all.  Don't take her jokes seriously and don't let her hold you back.  Do what will make you happy, that's all that matters.  Hope your transformation is for the good!

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