
Can you give me some relationship advice?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so there is this girl at my school and she likes a guy. she has been telling me how much she likes him and everything and asking if i can find out if he likes her and stuff. but he asked me out. and i said yes. and i think one of her friends overheard and told her. and i don't really want to go out with him, but i said yes b/c i was too scared that i would lose this guy as a friend if i said no. so what should i do?




  1. u shouldn't have told him yes in the first place

    cuz now his hopes are all high cuz he thinks he's going out with u cuz u like him and its really just out of pity

    u really screwed the poooch

    u'll probably lose the girl friend and your guy friend in the end

    but if u want to try and save it tell the girl wat u just said and tell her u just want to see if it works out and then in like a month if it hasn't got any better with the guy break up with him by saying u think it would be better as just friends

  2. no

  3. you have to tell him the truth. tell him that you really like him as a friend and dont want to lose him. if you keep up a fake relationship, it will only hurt him more when you actually do break up with him.

  4. Be honest.

    Tell him you like him but you treasure your friendship more and you said yes because you were afraid of loosing him. Explain to the girl aswell. It'll work out if you stick with the truth and don't cover it up to save peoples feelings from being hurt. Because if you do cover it up, it'll only get worse.

    Good luck, hope everything unwravells and nobody gets hurt especially you.

  5. If you don't really like him, then just explain that you don't have many feelings for him in that way, and tell him about the other girl.

    Explain to the other girl that you never meant to hurt her, and that you only like him as a friend.

    Hope this helped.

  6. You need to be honest with both of them asap. If you continue to lead this guy on he will end up not wanting to be friends. Plus this other girl will be very upset with you. I don't know if you are friends with her or not but she will end up thinking that you don't care about the way she feels and that you are not very trustworthy.  

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