
Can you give me some taboos in Germany so I can beware of them ? I'm going to Germany 3 months later.?

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It's my first time to go to Germany. I'm afraid I'll fall into some German taboos ( e.g. cultural taboos)

What do I need to beware when I make friends with German people ?




  1. Some of the answers here sound as if the last time those people visited Germany was in the 1970s. Things have changed, folks!!

    Nobody is going to be cross with you if you don't unwrap your flowers or if you use "du" instead of "Sie".

    Most Germans (myself included) are astonishingly tolerant and helpful towards foreigners, and forgive a lot of cultural blunders.

    Of course, you have to be careful with topics that deal with German history 1933-45. This is because most of the symbols, words and slogans are plainly illegal.

    But otherwise, just be relaxed and approach people in a friendly way!

  2. Don't stand with your hands in your pockets.

    Learn the proper way of shaking hands -- firmly up, down, let go. No bone-crusher grips, but no limpness either.

    Don't point at people.

    Say "bitte schoen" when making a request or acknowledging thanks. And "danke schoen" is always appreciated when anyone does you even a slight service.

    In general err on the side of being more formal than in the US, both in dress and in manner. If you are an adult, don't use "du" with people or call them by their first names unless explicitly invited to do so. Even people who have been colleagues for years may call each other "Herr Bauer" or "Frau Schmidt." First names are for children, family, and very, very close friends.

    Almost everyone will understand English, but make a real effort to speak clearly and not use slang. Try to speak British-style English as much as possible, as that is the form of English people there will be most familiar with. Your Louisiana accent or current teen slang will not be widely understood. Speak more softly than you usually do -- the "loud American" is not a beloved figure.

    Avoid shorts, ratty jeans, etc, especially if visiting churches. Young Germans may dress that way, but you as a visitor should not expect to get by with what the local teens wear. Adults are expected to dress and act like adults.

    Don't try to tell them how much better things are in America. Respect and willingness to learn about their culture, not brag about ours, will help a lot.  Don't tell people how we do things in America unless they ask.

    If you visit a German home, take flowers, and remove the paper before presenting them to your hostess or host.

    Enjoy! I found the people I met in Germany very friendly, helpful, and tolerant of my missteps.

  3. dont ask "can you say something in german"...

  4. Just don't be a stereotypical American, and if you want to talk to someone great them with guten Tag (afternoon) Guten Morgan (morning) and ask first if they speak English but in German, Sprekan si English ( not how spelled but pronounced how it looks ) I have been told numourous times by germans that since i asked in them in german they will speak to me in English dont just assume they speak English; even though practically all of them do and little bit seems to actually mean a lot :) and I have yet to meet someone rude, but yes Europeans speak very proper English. And also things are quiet here ie no loud radios in cars, no shouting in public and living here myself i have seen some very embaressing Americans in public who are very pompous but good luck and youll love it here and travel and see as much as possible :)

  5. dont ask about hasselhoff

  6. doing the "Hitler salute" is illegal...... and on that topic you probably don't want to bring anything up about ww2 like "jeez i cant believe nice guys like you caused ww2"... i had that said to me once...

  7. Eat with youre fork and knife, it is considered rude over here if you cut up youre food in little pieces and have one hand in your lap. Your are supposed to hold your fork in your left and your knife in youre right hand at all times, and cut up your food as you good. Tell people Guten Appetit before you eat.   If someone sneases tell them Gesundheit.  Dont stare at people, cause you will still see german females that dont shave their legs or arm pits especially the older ones ages 35 and up

  8. Smoking laws easily explained: Wherever you see an ashtray on the table in a restaurant, you may smoke, wherever you see none, it's no use asking.

    To buy cigarettes at a vending machine, you'll need one of these "chipped" credit cards for age verification: First slide in the card, then insert 4 euros, and there you go. Don't forget the card in the slot! -- It's usually better to buy cigarettes at tobacco stores or supermarkets. At supermarkets, they also have a wide variety of beer, wine, and all sorts of liquor, but no aspirin. You'll have to go to a pharmacy for that.

  9. Well i can just think, if you are american, don`t act like a stereotypical american. Don`t say how good is America and don`t say again and again we are the best, we make everything better, we are world power 1. I want to say, don try to point out USA best, germany less best, even if it`s true.

    if somebody sneeze, nice to say "gesundheit"

    you may be asked about us politics, about death penatly, wars and guns. what do you think of, if you got guns etc. especially by left wing students (revoluzzer)

    and dont be sad if you dont make close friends sooner then you may whish, i think its got better espceially with young germans, but it`s still like it needs a time to make friends, good friends. Well you know, they say "you don`t find good friends beside the street" means it needs a time to make good friends. but nevertheless don`t be afraid. stay cool, friendly, open minded and then you will accept, i am sure.

    if you dont know if you can call them with "Sie" or "Du" then ask them. I think, again young germans will accept Du.

    well if you are asked other questions about usa, like weather or how is your town, just be honest and tell :)

    And don`t forget you got nice friendly and bad unfriendliy people in every country. and every german is an individual ;)

    and DON`T MENTION THE WAR!! (ww2)

    Ahhh if you smoke, don`t do it in restaurants. Better you ask everytime if you are allowed to smoke!!! (Germany got new law about smoking since this year)

  10. Do not spit on the pavement.

  11. Do not drive if you drink.

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