
Can you give me some tips on how to ski good?

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thanks im going skiing next week




  1. The boot fit is the most critical thing, they must be tight around your foot and ankle. Wear only one pair of socks, only your foot and the sock should go in the boot.  Get the smallest boot that you can get your foot in without extreme pain. Kick the heel of the boot hard, several times on the floor to move your foot as far back in the boot as possible.  Start to buckle the boots from the toe up, then tighten each buckle again until you can not tighten them any more. Your foot should not move in the boot, you should be able to just stretch your toes and touch the end of the boot without moving your foot.

      Take some canning wax and rub it on the ski base from just back of the curved tip to the back of the ski, this will let them slide on the snow.

    Take at series of lessons from a qualified professional instructor, follow the instructions and practice on a slope where you feel comfortable. If the slope is too steep or challenging for you do not ski it.  Walk back out and find an easier way down. Keep your skiis on your boots, they have steel edges, the boots do not. Do not let your mates push you in to a dangerous situation, know your limits and stay within them. Your instructor will take you to appropriate terrain for your skill level. Trust him, and don't forget the tips.

  2. It would be like writing a book... but to lead you to great videos and info page would be my pleasure

  3. You need to first of all get the correct size of ski and boot. If your boot is to small, well it is obvious your feet will hurt and you will find it harder to ski comfortably. If it is too big you get blisters preventing you skiing how you want. As for skis if you take longer ones than normal you will get a faster speed and better off piste skiing. However if you reduce the size you get a slower speed but much better control and turning (to a certain extent). For example my skis are 20 sm smaller than they should be, for each ski.

    If you can do parrallel turns then you don't need to worry about narrow runs but if you can't you need to go on wider runs to practice them. When going over jumps you need to lean forward a bit to prevent falling over. Also if you are going over multiple jumps then you need to compress all of them except the last one where you can jump if you wish to.

    As for just standard skiing relax, that is key. If you are thinking, 'Will i fall over', 'Will i crash into a tree', ' Am i about to deck it' you won't ski well and p[robably will do one of those. You need to keep calm and when i ski for example i hum a song and keep my head clear.

    Possibly the most important point, do runs that you find challenging. It may be scary standing at the top faced by a vertical drop and ice or at the other end of the ski skill ladder a 7 degree gradiant. However if you can do red runs comfortably go on blacks. It is scary at first but if you have the technique, knowledge of skiing and insurance then you have nothing to fear going down one. You will then quickly learn how to do them.

    Oh by the way don't do your first black run which is the run under the chairlift. It is not just embareesing but i have seen that people ski worse as they are afraid everyone is watching them, which they are.

    A quick sum up:

    Control your speed,

    Go on runs you can do

    Don't show off until you can

    If in doubt of what you are doing (as the case will often be) stop and consult a map or another skier. You don't have to do runs. When i was learning to ski if i didn't like the look of something i would go back on the gondala or chairlift and go back down.

  4. Hey Stanic,  To ski well is a piece of cake.  The biggest tip of skiing is to be comfortable, calm, don't be scared, relax, never panic...... get it?   I am sure that when you bought your gear that you were fitted to the best of someones ability.  You're gear can always be better but I am sure yours is fine.  Getting started........  You are at the top of the mountain looking down,  keep your Chest facing down the mountain at all times!!!   Twist at the hips... again... Chest facing down the mountain at all times!!!  Twist at the hips.  One of the biggest downfall of skiers is that they look down at their skis.  Just like you drive a car look up, keep your head up and look down the mountain where your skiing.  To turn right slide your right foot forward chest facing down hill twist at the hips.  Left turn slide your left foot forward facing down hill twist at the hips and you will turn.  Turning is all in the hips, chest facing down hill, head up, right foot right turn, left foot left turn, like a walk in the park.  I can go on for ever but you will get the hang of it if you follow these few words of advice.  I have been skiing for 38 years and I learn a new trick every time I go out.  Check me out, Google SkiMan @ Loon and click on the U-tube link.  Good luck see ya on the mountain.

    SkiMan out!

  5. One of my instructors told me to 'Keep your weight on your downhill ear'.  Always worked for me.

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