
Can you give me some tips on moving school?

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I went to a normal school but I didn't really get on well with the other people so I moved. I had to move to the same school as my sis because it's easier for my parents, and the school seems nice. I'm scared that it will be bitchy because everyone says only girls schools are bitchier and this is an only girls school. Plus it's a private school and I got in on scholarship so I'm scared the girls will be snobbish. Apart from that the school looks good. I'm not that shy of a person but it's always hard making a new start could you give me some tips?





  1. First of all be yourselve! thats very important when making friends, try talking to your sister if shes your age about the girls that will be there, but basically you'll be fine, just be friendly! and no not all girls schools are bitchier, all schools can be bitchy whether with boys or girls, just have a good time and relax!!

  2. Be yourself. Keep a positive attitude. Get involved in clubs/sports to get to know a group of people quickly. Make a point to talk to kids that sit by you, but not during class, or have a locker by you to get to know them as well, even if its just a hi, I'm x*x, I'm new, what's your name. As for bitchy girls, just stay away from them.

  3. You mustn't be scared by anything.

    Be calm and go to school (I too have had to change school, and i've found a lot of good friends!)

  4. I go to a school that sounds identical to yours and I got a scholarship to it too. All girls schools can get a bit bitchy but  hardly anyone at mine is snobbish at all, but there are a lot of groups that don't really mix, but I have some amazing friends even if we aren't considered the 'cool' people in our year ( people who think they are amazing but aren't really). Not everyone is super rich, a lot are army children and if they didn't get the fees paid for them by the army, they wouldn't be there, so I'm sure they won't be s****.. Just be yourself and I'm sure you will make some good friends.

    Good luck hope you like your new school!

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