
Can you give me some wildlife specific careers i might want to pursue

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wildlife conservation or somthing like that




  1. You can do anything from being a wildlife biologist (research-based work) to a naturalist (public speaking/teaching).  It all depends on your specific interests within the wildlife field.  In what geographic area do you want to work?  State and federal agencies hire different wildlife-related personnel.  You may also want to look into the options in the non-profit sector -- The Nature Conservancy for example.  The website listed below gives some ideas as well.

  2. park ranger

    fish/wildlife commission

    non-profit for conservationist organization(activism, research, education, etc.)

  3. well if you like science you might like zoology

    if you want to be more physically active in shaping wildlife maybe becoming a park ranger and if you like travel you should look into different wildlife refuge groups. They get to save animals at disaster cites across the country.  

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