
Can you give me something to do?

by  |  earlier

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i am going to teach some four and five year olds tomorrow need something to do quick a quick lesson plan we are working on the letters k,z and the color purple a activity for the day large and small group




  1. Z = zoo

    Let the kids talk about all the animals that live at the zoo. They can draw pictures, discuss what animals eat, where they live in the wild......

    K = kite

    Let the kids have purple construction paper to make their kites. Obviously, you'll need to cut the paper ahead of time to the shape of the kite. Then they can glue on a string and little bows along the tail.

    Back to the zoo. Let each kid pick his or her favorite animal and draw a picture of it. Doesn't have to be a work of art, just meaningful to the kid.

    Back to the kites. While the kids are gluing their animals onto their kites talk about other things that are purple.

    Grapes, toys, plums, crayons.

    You could teach them the words to One Eyed One Horned Flying Purple People Eater

  2. K  learn sound, like breaking a stick, attach to picture such as a kangaroo kicking a kickball, use kiwi fruit for taste,

    Z learn  sound, like bees buzzing, attach sound to picture such as zebra, for food use zwieback ( little biscuits kids use for teething)

    Purple, provide items/pictures  with different shades of purple and have kids arrange them in order from lavender to violet  ( grapes, eggplant, different flowers)

    make naked ( uncolored ) playdough and have the kids mix drops of red and blue food coloring  into dough with their hands ( squish and switch to other hand, squish and switch, good for hand muscles and crossing the mid line as well)

    You can also add food coloring to water and stick in carnations with freshly cut stems. Put red in one vase, blue in one vase and various combinations of the two colors in the other vases.  Have the kids predict what will happen.  This is a good example of something that could be done for a science fair.  Have the kids explain the results as well.

    Make little booklets of blank pages.  The kids can glue on pictures for each letter and for the color purple and practice writing their name as well. If they can print, have them make the upper and lower case letters for K and Z. They love to have something to take home.

    If you or they are creative make up a song using these concepts and sung to a familiar tune.  Invent alliterative sentences using K  and Z.

    Of course, coloring pages are always appropriate at this age.

    Hope these get you started.

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